14. You can talk about your divorce if you want.

Start from the beginning

"Yep, he is... that kind... of man."

"How was your Vegas trip by the way last February? I've never asked you about it." Uh-oh, my plan was falling apart, so I just grin at her and hope that we were already close to our first stop.

We weren't. We were smack dab in the middle of the constantly frozen freeway.

"T'was cool, hahahaha," was the only thing that comes out of my mouth. This was gonna be harder than I thought. "Um, there were, uhhh, flying... stuff."

Kari raises her eyebrow at me and says, "You sure that isn't an amusement park?"

My phone rings. Thank God. Whoever this life-saver is, I'll have to buy them a meal. I pick it up without looking at the Caller ID, "Hello?"

"Hey, can you buy some cheese on your way back?" Shayne says. "Like some parmesan and some mozzarella? I kinda wanna make a lasagna tomorrow for Damien's birthday."

"You know how to make a lasagna? You gotta teach me, man," I reply, chuckling. "Yeah, sure. Any specifics?"

"Nah, just get the cheapest one. Or if there's a store-recommended one wherever you plan on buying," he answers as I continue grinning at Kari who's now busy tapping away on her phone. "How's the search going?"

"We haven't started yet," I tell him. "Still stuck in your usual LA traffic."

"Mmm, that happens," he mumbles. "Well anyway, call me when you've found the one, okay? I do have some obligations to see if that's a good apartment based on the nine months I've lived with you."

"Sure thing," I reply, smiling sadly at the LA horizon.

"You take care now." He hangs up afterwards. I wasn't able to say it back.

"Who was that?" Kari asks.

I do a bit of a lie. "Ian, he's asking me to get some cheese on the way," I answer and she laughs. "I know I cringe a whole lot whenever he addresses his crush on you, but does he stand a chance?"

"Oh, anyone stands a chance, Courtney," she explains to me. "I don't know, I think the real question you should be asking and asking him, not me, is if he plans on taking the chance. You seeing anyone right now? Think if they're actually willing to take the chance."

I think about Shayne as Kari watches a YouTube video. No shit, Shayne would take any chance he could get. I knew it from the moment he carried me to the bedroom on my first day at the apartment to the new ring and the birthday dinner. He doesn't even need multiple chances to know how important a single chance is. He knows that... I know him.

Does he know he stands every chance I can give the world though? Probably not.

We finally arrive at our first stop, and I read Damien's text to me about the apartment.

From: Deems
The first one is nice for one person, but I honestly think you should get a roommate. Shayne tells me it's kinda hard living alone anyway. I'd straight up recommend this one if you plan on living totally alone, rent's not so bad, and honestly it's pretty okay.

From: The Supreme Court
Shayne tells you that?

From: Deems
Yeah, so I'm kinda grateful you guys got married. Just kidding but still: uwu

The landlady guides us throughout the place. Not pretty bad for a building, pretty good security, not too many leaks, just the right number of cameras in the hallways. We enter their sample unit, and it's not that bad, but I do note how different it is from Shayne's apartment. A little too big for one person. I already know where to place the shelves, and I can see where Shayne would tell me to put some books in. I know where to put the picture frames on the wall, and I know where the dream catcher goes.

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