~chapter 5~

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They all looked at me,I got really embarrassed when I noticed I only had shotos shirt on and nothing else under,I started blushing like crazy

"Woah!,is that a tail,and are those ears?!"

The human Pikachu boy said
The pink girl gasped and said

"Oh my God he's a neko!"

Three of them ran up to me and started taking a closer look at me,I started feeling uncomfortable when they started messing with my ears,I noticed the red head behind me guarding my tail,the loud blonde tried to grab it but the spiky red head smacked his hands away

"Ow!,hey bro what was that for?!"

The blonde said

"Thats off limits,he gets very uncomfortable when people touch him there"

The red head said as he covered my tail more, after awhile they all pulled me up to the ash blonde guy

"Bakubro look! It's a neko"

The loud blonde said,the ash blonde hair looked at me about to yell,he then cut himself off,I could quietly hear him whisper under his breath

"W o a h..."

I blushed a bit and looked away

"We're the hell did you find him?!"

The ash blonde hair said as he was blushing like heck

"He came to me last night,and don't raise your voice around him,he gets scared easily"

The red head said as he put his arm around my shoulder

"Oh so u think you own him just cause he came to you first?! Huh!?"
"Bakubro chill out"
"No fuck that!"

They started arguing,the other could see I wanted to cry so the took me to another room

"Are you ok?"

The loud blonde asked

"Y-ya,may you guys p-please tell me your names?"

"Oh ya of course! My name is denki kaminari,that girl is Mina,the one with the weird elbows is sero"

I nodded and said

"What's the other twos name?"
"Oh! The red head is ejiro kirishima,and the mad one is katsuki Bakugo"

I smiled and thanked them

Oki lovelies! That was chapter five do any of u have requests for the next chapter? And sorry it's such a short chapter,byeee lovelies ❤️😊

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