chapter 16

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kacchan nervously took a step to the door and knocked he looked at the door figeting with his fingers,i wonder why hes so nervous i was pulled out of my thought by someone opening the door it was a fit women she seemed to be in her 20 is that kacchans sister?????

"h-hey mom..."

ITS HIS MOM?!?!?!?!!!?

my jaw dropped 

"well ill be damed,i havent seen u in years katsuki...oh? whos this?"
"o-oh mom m-meet my b-b-b"
"im his boyfriend izuku"

i say smiling but still shocked

"if i may say you look really good for having a son i thought u were his sister"

i say giggling softly as she chuckled

"why thank you,you look really young yourself how old are ya?"
"im 18"

as soon as i said that i seen katsukis face whiten as she looked at him

"you damn perv let the kid grow up would ya!!!!"

katsukis mom said as she hit the back of his head

"Ahhh!! No no its fine really!"

I said breaking up the small fight even i knew they were just playing around i was already shaking,when kacchan seen me he took my hand and pulled me close to him

"Hey wait a minute...where are your pants?!"
"Y-you never gave me any!"

I said blushing like heck

"Well we were in a rush!"
"And i didn't bring any clothes from a run away mission!"

I said pouting,his mom looked at me as soon as i said that

"You ran away from home...for my son?!"
"N-no no no no no! Its a really long story!"

She smiled

"Yeah u know i know your that one kid everyone is looking for"
"Yeah there's a reward of 50,0000 dollar's if someone turns u in to that hero shoto"

That when i felt my hole heart drop....

Ello! Short one today! But i have school and everything so yeah okie bai lovelies!!!😊😊💓💓💓

Oh for the most amazing person supporting me rn (dont worries your all amazing!💓)heres all my sm:

Snap:(i dont rlly use so dm me if u want that💓)

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