chapter 10

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I wake up with a sharp pain in my back I wince and slowly get up,I then hear a grunt and look up to see kacchan blushing and holding a food trey

"G-good morning...nerd..."

He said as his cheek grew more red,I couldn't help but smiles up at kacchan

"Good morning kacchan"

I say as my tail swayed from side to side,kacchan then placed the tray on my lap

"I-i didnt want you getting up and hurting yourself....i-i know your still sore..."

He said irritated that his soft side was taking the best of him,I smiled brightly with a light blush

"Kacchan wheres your food at?"

I asked as I tilted my head to the side looking at him

"I already ate nerd just eat you need food so you can get up later I have a few things planned"

Bakugo said,my ears shot straight up as soon as kacchan finished his sentence

"Where are gonna go?"
"Dont worry about it now eat,your a twig"

Kacchan said as I seen he had a soft look in his eyes

"Okay kacchan"

I say as I start eating the breakfast that kacchan had made me,it was so delicious everything was good until eiji came into the room.....

TBC......haii!! I'm back after like a two month break! ❤❤❤❤ lets see if I can start posting more again lol okie bye lovelies!!! 💗💗💗💗

~my neko deku~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz