Frowning, you answered his question, "We wear it during mourning." Sure you left out crucial details, but he didn't need to know everything about your tribe and your traditions.

His garnet eyes traveled up and down your body glancing over thin fabric again, "Where do you wear it?"

Ripping the textile out of his hands you carefully folded up it up, you had spent three seasons making this, no way in hell were you going to let him get it dirty. His mind was already dirty enough, "Over our faces. When do we have to get those tattoos?"

"Not until we bed again. The first bedding is claiming you the second is making you my Omai officially."

Nodding your head you let some of the tension out of your body. You wouldn't ever have to get those dreaded marks as long as he kept his word. Bakugou's large palms were onto his next toy which you weren't a fan of him touching at all. His fingers petted over the different shells and beads that were on the string.

These necklaces were notably different from yours. Yours was thin and had only one colorful gem. These ones in his hands were chunky and were composed of shells in a mirage of colors and small pearls, which he thought were beads, scattered throughout the lineup. They reminded him more of the necklaces around his neck than the one on yours. His crimson orbs didn't miss how your figure was on edge as he investigated these pieces of jewelry, clearly whatever these were meant for was important to your tribe, "And these?"

"They were my parents." Your voice was dry, he would even dare to say that there was a tremble in your voice.

His eyes darkened at your words and instead of having to snatch away the item from his hand like you have been, he held out his hand. The necklaces swaying on his fingertips. You reached out and took the cherished items from him, your touch grazing across his warm fingertips. Letting out a cough, he played with the few items that were still in front of him while you silently played with the shell chains.

Most of the items left were self-explanatory.

A wood carving of a dolphin with intricate wave designs on its side. Despite not knowing what the animal was, Bakugou determined that it wasn't worth his next question. Your kalimba's purpose was quickly discovered after a few hits of the pads of his fingers on the thin metal strips. There was a small box that held a mixture of fishhooks and a handful or two of random colorful shells and those satin beads that you had collected over the years. He even let out a snicker when he picked up a small cloth doll that was clearly your childhood toy based on its age.

"W-Why did you attack my people?"

The ash-blond's movements came to a halt at your question. Even his cocky smirk disappeared morphing into a thin line.

Your voice wasn't like it usually was and it was clear that he had caught it. Typically, whenever you spoke to him, you made sure that your voice was strong and confident as you didn't want to show a single sign of weakness. This time your voice was fragile and the tremble in your voice was clear as water this time. Hearing your hurt voice reflected your internal torment -- you sounded so weak.

Bakugou kept his head down his grip on your small doll was strong enough you were sure that the already weak grass stuffing was in peril being pushed against the cloth that sealed it.

Honestly, you felt just like that doll.

You had no control over what happened to you and currently, you were being crushed. You weren't only being crushed by Bakugou but also by reality. You were now being forced to sit and realize all that has happened to you. You were forced to process all of the damage the rough ash blond had done to you and Kota. All of your emotions were being squeezed and were desperately trying to escape from your body, just like the stuffing in your doll.

:Captured: Bakugou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now