"I've got to take this," she said, looking back at me apologetically. "How about playing games or watching some TV? Try to get your mind off it for a bit. Forecast says there's a storm coming so I've got to bring the washing in, too."

I started climbing off from the bed. "I'll come help-"

"Sweetie, no. You just relax, okay? You've had a big day so take a break. I've got it." She answered her phone and brought it to her ear as she walked away. "Yes, hello-"

I threw myself backward on my bed when she was out of earshot.

Games? TV? Would any of it make me feel better? All I could focus on was this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Its churning. The bile that felt like rising in my throat. My heart thundering so loudly it could be mistaken for the storm that hadn't even come yet. And as for that storm, I could hardly wait.

Storms in this region were always thunderous. Looming, low frequencies that hurt whether my aid was in or not. Most nights I continued having nightmares, but they were always amplified by storms.

Because those nights, I dreamed with sound.

With a sigh, I turned to face the wall. The pressure against my ear made my aid wriggle. Just as I was about to pull it out, Mum's footsteps came heading back this way. I turned to the door as she popped into view, still holding the phone to her ear. "Right, right, yes. One moment, let me check-"

She appeared to check my aid was still in before speaking. "Aubrey, it's Vivienne Rascal, Charlie's Mum."

I blinked.

"She wants to bring Charlie around to apologize in person," she said, putting her hand over the phone to muffle her voice. "It doesn't have to be today, Aubrey, just whenever you're ready."

Bloody hell. I barely had time to process anything and yet here he was already wanting to come and sucker up to me. I shook my head, but not wanting Mrs. Rascal to hear me from the other end of the line, I replied in sign language.

"I want to be alone," I answered. "Maybe another time."

Mum nodded and spoke back into the phone. "Ah, yes. He's occupied at this minute, but he says it's fine to another time."

I signed thanks before she walked off and rolled back over in my bed. I felt like I was in a slump, not knowing what to do with myself. Or how to deal with this. Would it have been better to just let him come over and face things head on? It was hard to tell. It was like I couldn't think straight. My mind was haywire. Was I angry? Sad? Scared? Humiliated? Pissed? Maybe all of these things.

Maybe none.

God, he was loud enough at school as it was, and now my entire mind was a raging whirlwind because of him. I could escape sounds by pulling out my aid, but I couldn't escape these thoughts. What would it take for things to be quiet? Deciding sleep would be the best course of action for now, I switched off my hearing aid and placed it on the bedside table. Succumbing to the open arms of silence, I rolled over and drifted into a soundless sleep.


A hand on my shoulder startled me awake, the same way I woke by anything that wasn't my mattress alarm. Looking up, I found Mum standing there. She looked wrecked. Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy, and her face looked pale. She'd been crying. Was it because of me? She signed, dinner before handing my hearing aid and leaving the room. I switched it on and placed it inside my ear, then headed out to join them.

My sister was already at the table, kicking her legs around while she chatted animatedly with Mum. "Jade's Mum's gonna be there so there won't be any alcohol, I promise. You can call and ask! Please, Mum, can I go? It's just a movie night."

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