My Choice, My Fate

Start from the beginning

"That movie was quite entertaining. It's been a long time since I've indulged in a simple feature." He said with a happy sigh. "Thank you for agreeing to come out with me."

"Oh the pleasure was completely mine, Toshinori." Valkyrie flushed tucking her hair behind her ear. When he'd asked her out she'd been positively giddy. She'd panicked over wardrobe and appearance for hours, and had gone with a simple skirt and blouse for the dressy casual meeting. "I was just a little surprise by the sudden invitation."

"I had originally planned to ask my children to spend the day with me but they had plans of their own... and then I recalled you saying you'd be in town."

"Oh... so it was just... convenience?" She struggled to maintain the smile, but couldn't hide the disappointment in her own voice."

"Hmm? Oh, no, that's not what I..." he stroked his chin trying to put his thoughts into words. "I'm not sure if I'm phrasing this correctly but... it's more than just convenience to me... Kairi." He took her hand and kissed it. "I'm thoroughly enjoying myself and am happy you're with me."

"Toshinori..." she held her chest feeling it flutter.

"I hope you'll accompany me again in the near future." He stood up straight cupping her hand in both of his now. "That is... if you want to."

"I'd be honored." She sighed happily, little hearts dancing around her head. "Am I... assuming correctly that we are... dating?"

"Uh well... yes... yes I'd like that very much." He blushed bright red rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "I know I'm not as pleasing to look at in this form but-" He stammered off when she stood on her toes to plant a small kiss to his lips.

"You're every bit as pleasing to my eyes, Toshinori. I've been attracted to you for years, not for your looks, but for what you stand for." She placed her hand over his heart. "This good, strong, and kind heart is beautiful to me."

"Kairi..." He held both her hands again. "It's you who has the kind heart. You do something inside me that I haven't felt in years. I-" he started to confess but the sudden roar of simultaneous explosions rang out and both heroes looked up in shock as fire spread and civilians started to scream in panic.

"What is that?"

~Back in the Dorms~

"In what has been described as an organized villain attack, hundreds of villains have appeared all over the town of Tatooin spreading chaos and destruction in their wake. There seems to be no rhyme or reason for the careless and sadistic spread of panic, and with only a small amount available to the area, the heroes find themselves stretched thin over the city in desperate need of support."

The newscaster spoke in calm yet worried tones as images of a fire burned city, and massive amounts of damage are flashed on screen. Bakugo and Shoto both were on their feet staring wide eyed at the destruction.

"It's Hosu all over again... only this time there's way more villains." He clenched his fist. "Izumi and Izuku are in town, they're probably caught up in all this. They're gonna need help."

"They can take care of themselves... they're strong fighters, and besides." Bakugo glanced out front where he saw the teachers standing out in a cluster. The principle stood in front motioning with his arms. "It looks like the teachers are putting this place on lock down. From the looks of it they're going to use the school as a sort of shelter." He theorized noticing the groups of people running up the walk and heading for the school."

"That makes sense. UA is a fortress on its own and is protected by some of the cities best heroes. People would feel safest here."

"As much as I hate sitting still, we don't have a choice in the matter. Those teachers aren't going to let us through." Bakugo cursed. "Damn it."

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