Rules and Regulations

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Izuku sat besides Bakugo holding the locket his sister had given him. The two had barely said a word to each other the moment they boarded the train. Bakugo had shoved headphones in his ears and was watching the scenery go by with a bored expression. 

“I can actually feel it… the separation.” He clutched the locket tight in his hand. “Izumi, are we really going to be okay like this?” 

Bakugo glanced over at him, saw the look on his face, and grunted. He smacked Deku over the head and had him holding it wincing.

“Ow! What was that for, Kacchan?” 

“Stop moping! You’re gonna be fine, better than fine.” He sat up straight and tugged out his headphones. “You don’t need your bitch of a sister to become a hero.” 

“I know you’re trying to comfort me Kacchan…” 

“Shut up! I’m tired of watching you make sad faces. You guys are different people. You’re not joined at the hip.” He points a finger at him. “I doubt she’s making pouty faces at Todoroki and moping about. Sad or not your sister is not gonna let anything stand in the way of her goal and neither should you! So suck it up, you damn nerd!”

“Kacchan…” Izuku slowly smiled and he tucked the locket away nodding. “Mmm you’re right.” He pumped his fists. “I need to worry about me. I can’t wait to meet Valkyrie in person. I’ve seen her on TV and other media, but I haven’t gotten the chance to see her in person. I wonder if her personality is the same, I wonder what sort of sidekicks she works with… Do you think I made the right choice? I had so many to choose from, but Valkyrie really stood out, and you helped me choose her...”   

There he goes again, Bakugo thought with a heavy sigh. Always thinking too damn much. 


Izuku snapped out of his muttering and straight to attention. 

“Hmm? Yeah?” 

Bakugo stared at him long and hard for a minute, then as the train went into a tunnel and went black Bakugo snagged him by the chin and kissed him full on the mouth. When the light returned Izuku was holding his mouth, his face bright red and eyes wide in shock. 

“Shut up.” 

~Izumi and Todoroki~

Izumi let out a long heavy sigh and slouched in her seat. 

“I can’t believe our train was delayed. It’s gonna be near dark by the time we reach your dad’s agency.” 

“I called him while we were at the station to let him know. He’s not too worried about it, in fact he didn’t seem concerned in the least.” Todoroki frowned at the magazine he was reading. “Good things come to those who wait, is what he told me. He’s acting awfully chipper and I have to admit it’s throwing me off a bit.” 

“He’s chipper because you did exactly what he wanted and accepted his request.” she sat upright again and leaned into him some. “Why did you anyway?” 

“The same reason you did… I want to see what he as the Number 2 Hero could teach me. So far all he’s ever shown me is what I’m capable of, or at least that’s what I’m assuming considering he spent the bulk of my childhood making sure I was as strong as I could be.” He closed the magazine and wrapped an arm around her shoulder leaning into her as well. 

“Hmmm. so now you want to see what he’s capable of in return.” Her lips slowly curve. “I wonder if his bite is as good as his bark.” She cuddled in laying her head on his shoulder. “Should we tell him we’re dating?” 

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