The Hero's Shadow

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Stain stared at the two new opponents lined up. So many distractions... he was already annoyed by the girl's participation, and he had her brother and his friend pairing up against him. The other Pros and the police would be right behind him. He didn't have time for this. Someone's time was gonna be up soon. He needed to end this!

"Your friends came to save you. That's a good line, but I have a duty to kill that boy... naturally if we clash here, the weaker of us will be culled." Stain threatened and had Izuku's blood going cold. He was glad he didn't get here a moment later, or he was certain there wouldn't have been anyone left to save.

No matter what backlash their quirk had, he was glad for the connection he had with his sister, because it led him right to her. He looked back at her now, the look on her face making the rage in him boil and he turned his eyes back to the Hero Killer. No one, and he did me NO ONE messed with his sister.

"Keep your eyes open Todoroki-kun... don't let him get anywhere near them."

"Ah... you be careful, this guy has to be fast if he took Iida and your sister down." He whispered. 

Izuku nodded, and he launched forward, getting in close to avoid the long reach of his opponent. As he got in, he recalled Valkyrie's lesson on cornering villains.

"It doesn't matter what space you're in you must always use it to the best of your ability. If they have the advantage, then turn it around and make it your own."

He caught sight of the blades, and using his smaller demeanor he went in low jetting between Stain's legs and whipping around to punch him in the back. He narrowly avoided the next swing, jumping in the air, he could feel the powerful swish of the blade pass under him. Todoroki set loose flames causing Stain to back off and away giving Midoriya time to regain his feet and attack again.

"His movement's have improved..." Izumi whispered as she watched the fight. "I've always been the better dodger... but he's gotten better at reacting to his opponent's actions."

He'd changed, grown far stronger in the last few days than she had in months. Her eyes shut tight and she shook, wishing she could stand. She didn't just want to lie here, she didn't want to feel pathetic and useless... and needing to prove herself.

Izuku let out a cry as he was sent colliding into a group of trash cans, his arm cut and turning his uniform sleeve red.

"Izuku!" She struggled more. Then gasped as her fingers wiggled. "I can move?"

Stain, having immobilized Izuku now went for Todoroki, Todoroki pushing out ice barriers trying to block his path and keep him away, but he cut them up in a blur of movements.

"Creating a barrier and blocking your view from an opponent that's faster than you... rookie mistake!" Stain shouted at Todoroki, as if teaching him.

"We'll see about that! MMNNG!" Todoroki grit his teeth as pain shot up his left arm. Two daggers stabbed through, blood dripping down it. He didn't have time to bring up an attack to keep him away. "Look out!" He shouted at Native, and gasped as Izumi came barreling in her leg kicking straight into the Killer's face and keeping him away from Native. "Izumi?!"

"I don't know why," she said as she landed, her body electrifying with her quirk as she rushed forward and grabbed her brother from the garbage pile. "I could just suddenly move."

"A time limit?" Todoroki wondered.

"No, that girl should have been the last one affected." Native said, his voice trembling as he still struggled to move. "We're still unable to move."

"I have three theories." Izuku said as Izumi jumped over and set him down beside Iida. "It could be less effective with more people. The amount ingested could affect how long it works, or it could depend on the blood type."

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