The Ultimatum

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Shoto looked at his phone frowning at the "no new mail" message on his screen. He'd texted Izumi three... five... okay  ten times since this morning. He knew she was in town seeing doctors but... could it be she was ignoring him?

The thought of it had his chest tightening. Had he come on too strong? Was he annoying her? He remembered out pissed off she'd  gotten at Tetsutetsu for blowing up her phone in Hosu. Comparing his own actions he found himself embarrassed. He was being overprotective, clingy, jealous, and a bit whiny.

"Damn it..." he thought with a sour expression. "She really must be irritated with me."

"You okay there Todoroki-kun?" Izuku twisted in his seat noting his troubled expression.

"Midoriya... did you give Izumi the letter?" He didn't look up from his phone, instead just stared at it intensely hoping it would somehow change.

"Yes, though she and Kacchan weren't too thrilled on hearing how I had gotten it. I'll have to put some pins or something on my bag so that you know it's mine... geh!" He blinked when Shoto looked up, his aura menacing and flaming.

"You told her I kissed you?"

"Uh eh...yes."

"No wonder she's ignoring me." He hung his head in defeat. He clenched his phone tightly in hand then flipped it open pushing buttons violently, his flames roaring. "I have to apologize and explain properly."

"Wow you're intense... I've never seen you act like this Todoroki-kun. You're normally so calm and confident." Izuku blinked in surprise. 

Todoroki halted his texting and quickly shut his phone to delete the message.

"You're right... I don't know what's wrong with me." He slumped onto his desk laying his cheek on the cool wood of the table. "Ever since we got back from internships, I feel as though Izumi's been pulling away from me. It's made me want to hold onto her and not let go. I've never been so desperate to cling onto something like that."

"Todoroki-kun... I think you're worrying too much about this." He turned completely around in his seat smiling at him. "You love Izumi... and I can tell you for sure she feels the same way." He pat his head. "If she's ignoring you it probably just means she's busy. You should come to the dorms after school. The two of you can talk and it'll put you at ease."

"You're right... maybe I am just overthinking it. Thanks, Midoriya." He reached up touching his hand. "You're a good friend."

"No problem." Izuku smiled. He felt a hand grip his shoulder, and tensed up feeling the sparks pop on his uniform.

"Deku..." Bakugo stared down at the intimacy his lip twitching and temple throbbing. "Just what do you think you're doing with IcyHot?"

"N-N-N-nothing! It's nothing Kacchan, Todoroki-kun was just a little depressed so I-" he sucked in a hard breath as Bakugo pulled him away and yanked Todoroki up by his tie.

"Isn't one twin enough for you?" Bakugo sneered. "Stay away from Deku, he's mine." He whispered to him threateningly to avoid the other lingering classmates from hearing.

"Whoa, Bakugo, chill... what did Todoroki do?" Kirishima came up trying to separate them.

"This fucker made a move on Deku!"

"EH!?" Kirishima looked at Todoroki who jerked from Bakugo and straightened his tie out calmly. "For real?"

"It wasn't like that." Deku waved his hands out in a panic. "Todoroki-kun just thought I was Izumi, is all. He's not attracted to me at all, I mean we're... it's..." he decided to shut up before he ended up in hotter water.

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