Chapter Four: More Volleyball Players

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Hinata at the tournament A.k.a: Sunshine meets a cannon lefty and a certain middle blocker. And spends her summer somewhere away from Miyagi.


The Quarterfinals Junior High Spring Volleyball Tournament began. The joy and excitement were seen so much on Hinata's face her senpais chuckled at her cuteness.

"Riku-san, what school is Kitagawa Daiichi going to have a match with?" Hinata asked as they swam across the sea of volleyball spectators.

"Hmmm... they're going to have a match with Chiidoriyama before they qualify for the semifinals," Riku replied and smirked at her.

Hinata smiled at her senpai.

All of a sudden she felt her stomach growl, 'Not here?!'  She internally scolded herself for eating too many bowls of Katsudon earlier. She knew she would be too invested in watching matches that she'll forget to eat.

"S-senpai I need to go to the bathroom," she reached to Hatsune's shoulder to support herself.

"Aye, but don't get lost Hinata, this is your first time in this gym right?" Hinata nodded. 

"There are signs I'll be okay."

She'll be okay.

Hinata literally ran when she saw the bathrooms, hastily entered a stall, sat on the bowl and began her work. And man, that was such a relief. She knew the smell was bad and internally apologized to her fellows who were using the toilet.

She was imagining how the matches would go and thought, "Oikawa-senpai is a great player, he'll do good," and gave the said senpai an imaginary pat at the shoulder. 

"Damn, that smells so bad," A hushed male voice said. 

'Oh gosh sorry!' Hinata internally apologized to the voice.

And she realized one thing.

It was male, she definitely heard a male voice. Her eyes widened as if she saw a ghost, her body turned cold.

Sweat materialized at every inch and crook of her well-being. Did she just enter the bathroom without looking at the signs? She hoped not. Did the just release all that dump in the male's bathroom? She hoped not. And the last remaining thing she had to push out suddenly went back and never wanted to come out again. 

She almost wanted to weep when all of a sudden the door banged, "Oi mister, flush that dump of yours, it affects the whole bathroom, did you eat something bad this morning?" A few voices laughed 

Hinata didn't answer, the dump she unloaded was embarrassing in itself, what more if it turned out a girl had that much load within her.

She cleaned herself and flushed the toilet. Closed the seat cover and sat there thinking of ways to go out.

For sure some of the people in the bathroom were volleyball players, how could she face them now and ask how they spike or receive a ball? How they do their form? Maybe she could just wait until those who had a whiff of the air left?

Why was she overreacting anyway? She could just waltz out and not care right? Right? If the only smell wasn't one of the things girls didn't want to make a bad impression of.

She swore to never eat three and a half bowls of Katsudon ever.

Minutes passed and someone knocked on the door, "Mister, we would appreciate it if you hurry." A monotoned voice said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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