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The prologue is on Kageyama's view


What is a romantic relationship for? Will I learn the basics of a jump serve if I have one?'

Asked a middle schooler Tobio to himself.

He was watching his upperclassman laugh with a girl under a single big umbrella with green alien patterns. Tilting his head when the girl jabs Oikawa on his ribs after whatever he said, which earns her a whining groan from Oikawa.

Iwaizumi who was standing on Oikawa's right side, slaps the back of his friend's head, "Stop saying ridiculous dirty jokes Trashykawa."

"So mean Iwa-chan," Oikawa huffed and placed his arm over the girl's shoulder, pulling her closer to him.

Tobio wandered into his thoughts again and gripped his own umbrella tighter. It was cold, afternoon practices just ended and he was only wearing shorts.

He's been playing volleyball since elementary, he loves it, it's part of his life no— more like his life is volleyball itself. He doesn't have any other hobby other than self-practicing by tossing to the wall. Heck, he didn't even have any toys or videogames at home, and he almost had no friends— but he had at least a few acquaintances. If that counts as friends though. How was he even supposed to enter a relationship?

He sucked at socializing big time.

And of course, he's in middle school, and he's twelve.

Why was he thinking about relationships anyway?

He thinks that if he learns how to enter one, he can understand and communicate with his teammates better. He was told by the coach that he was good at setting. Yet what troubled him is how can he ask the players their opinions. How can he ask his senpai how to do that cool jump serve. How to talk, how to approach, how to ask, how to build relationships.

Basically, at this point he thinks romance is necessary for volleyball for the sake of relationships. The simple thought; 'If I know what my lover needs and wants, then I can know what a spiker does too.'

'Of course, I might not be wrong, I mean Oikawa is in a relationship, right? And he's good at setting, he knows what a spiker wants.'

That's what he thought until the day came that he was proven wrong


I'm planning on trying to look more into Oikawa and Kageyama's past before moving to the plot? Or Nah??????????? What do you think??

It's like 5 A.M and I'll be up by 9 A.M. Argh! Sleep have mercy on me!

Dunno I might post today

Hope you are anticipating for the next chapters

~ Sev

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