I held onto her wrist until we were both outside the park. A road was in front of us, one that was not particularly busy at the moment.

I looked both ways at the street we were walking on, and I quickly sprinted past, letting go of her hand. Rarity attempted to run, but instead tripped on her dress. She fell onto the concrete of the road, glaring up at me.

I widened my eyes, seeing the familiar flash of the headlights of a car. Without anymore thought, I lunged forward, wrapping my hands around her. I held her bridal style, just in time,  jumping out of the way from the car.

The car swerved by us, nearly hitting us. I placed her on the ground, Rarity dizzily held onto my hand.

"Thank you," she mumbled, regaining her balance.

I rolled my eyes, moving my hand away. "Don't be so stupid next time," I grunted back, continuing our walk.

There was no response from her, and I couldn't decide on whether I was scared or relieved.

In fact, the rest of our walk was silent. Though, every time we neared a road, Rarity grew tense.

The walk was about twenty minutes. I didn't try to run any of it, knowing that Rarity would refuse. Soon, the cracks on the sidewalk became very familiar. I looked up, seeing my very own home, Apple Acres.

"And that's my home," I pointed out.

I glanced back at Rarity, who stood next to me, her arms crossed. With absolutely no emotion in her face.

I heaved a sigh. I actually expected a reaction from her.

"Alrighty then," I muttered, continuing along the cobblestone path.

We both walked up the stairs, the wind chimes were blowing softly against the breeze. The familiar smell of breakfast filled the air, giving me some sense of comfort. I slid off my boots, resting my hand against the doorknob. Before turning in, I glanced back at Rarity. "Your goal is to find anything that could connect us. Oh, and don't die."

I swung open the door. My eyes met Applebloom's who was leaning back in her chair looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Aren't you supposed to be at school right now?" she asked me.

Rarity and I exchanged glances, as I shut the door closed.


"Applejack is that ya?!"" Granny Smith yelled from the kitchen.

I lifted my finger up to my mouth, gesturing Applebloom to keep quiet. I reached for Rarity's hand, and as our fingertips touched, I felt a chill go down my spine. Her hands were somehow cold.

I ran up the stairs, Rarity followed me not saying a word. Once I thought we were finally free of other people, I saw Sugar Belle.

She was walking down the hallway, with just a towel wrapped around her. Apparently she had just come out of the shower and didn't think to put on any clothes before stepping out.

Sugar Belle heard us and yelped, seeing Rarity next to me.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love Sugar Belle. Big Mac couldn't have chosen a better fiancé. She's super sweet and makes dinner for us all the time.

But sometimes I just wish Big Mac would move out already.

Sugar Belle's face flushed a color of red and she ran into Big Mac's room, slamming the door. "Don't question it," I told Rarity.

She followed me into my room, I let go of her hand closing the door behind us. I heaved a sigh. "I doubt you've seen any similarities yet."

Rarity didn't respond, instead she was going through my desk looking at all the pencils.

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