Realization and Discussion

Start from the beginning

"From Old man do you mean... The Rikudō sennin?" Sasuke replied in a state of shock which was unusual for the deadpan man

Kurama gritted his teeth and sighed "Old man, what are you thinking?"Then he faced them "Anyways, my chakra, it seems, is the key for everything. I'll try to check and think with the specifics with why and how we're here and how we can make our lives easier"

Kakashi sighed and put his hand at his temple "Thank you Kurama, now please return Naruto to us"

"Tsk" then Naruto returned. Naruto changed into Hokage state and asseswd the situation. From what he saw earlier, Sasuke still had his rinnengan and Sharingan so there powers are still the same. Yet their bodies digressed back to their 12 year old state...So he tried something carefully.

Naruto checked his pack and looked for a scroll. Then he faced Sakura "Sakura, can you set up a barrier that prevents chakra from leaking out?" Naruto asked "I'll make the seals I need you to just set it up"

"Yes, but what are you gonna do?" Sakura said while looking at the blonde

"I'm gonna try to assess my chakra and power levels. From what I concluded most of us has the same skill level as we have in the past... future, whatever." Naruto said to Sakura while creating the seals needed. Once finished he gave it to Sakura which with quick finesse set up a barrier.

"Naruto, you need to be careful." Kakashi sighed "We're still in the past. You remember how people treated you. Plus we need to be careful around the sandaime" Kakashi warned his student. The Sandaime wasn't callled 'Tje Professor' for nothing anyways

"Don't worry Kakashi-sensei. My seals are top-notch! Anyways you should also look at your eyes though. It seems that going back to the past gave you back your sharingan" Naruto said grinning

Kakashi's eyes widened and removed his hitae-ate and stared at his reflection. It was true. His left eye had Obito's sharingan. He touched it and remembered Obito's death

"Kakashi, I'm sorry, I'll say hi to Rin for you." Obito smiled looking at his old team mate.

Kakashi looked at horror when Obito then turned to dust, died protecting his teammates. Again.

Kakashi closed his eyes then opened it. Wearing his hitae-ate and covering his eye with it, he then looked at Naruto.

Naruto was preparing to assess his skills. If his theory was true... then it may prove in Shikamaru's words 'troublesome'

Naruto then used Kurama mode. Covering himself in a golden chakra, his jacket, from the chakra unzipped then became a golden cloak. His eyes becoming a golden slit. Then he tried bijuu mode.

Naruto's stomach felt like burning. He stumbled, returning back to normal. He dropped to the ground

"Naruto! Are you alright?" Sakura asked him running to him. Naruto raised his hand "Yeah, yeah I'm alright. I just proved my theory"

"What theory?" Sasuke asked

"My body still has the old seal when I was young which limits my control of Kurama's chakra"

Naruto sighed "Which means, I'm not in full strength. I can remove the seal but-"

"People who knows the seal will know immediately" Kakashi said completing the sentence. "Naruto whatever happens, don't remove the seal. We need to be careful around the past. It's still too early."

"But sensei, if we're in the past then does that mean we can change what happens in the future?" Sakura asked, realizing what the situation is

Sasuke then stood up " Which means, We can prevent one of the worst decisions ever made"

"Which was?" Sakura asked his husband

"Me, leaving the village" Sasuke said with a look of guilt in his face. Sasuke, throughout the years, thought that if given the chance he would change what would happen in any day. As long as he didn't do the crimes he did in that one faithful decision.

Kakashi, also realized and thought what would this situation mean for him. Can he save Obito before dying? Can he really do that?

"Don't worry Sasuke, if you leave again, I' always be here to get you back again and again. I won't abandon you or my friends." Naruto said trying to ease his spirits

Sasuke then looked at his faithful friend and grinned "Tsk, Dobe. I'm worried already"

"Hey!" Naruto said then realized what's happening "Our hormones are in whack again. Dammit, I don't want to go puberty again!"

"Ma, ma. Puberty or not, you're still our little Naruto" Kakashi said with an eye smile. Sasuke, Sakura laughed while Naruto gritted his teeth

"Kakashi-sensei!, I'm gonna get you for that!" Naruto shouted then procedded to run to Kakashi, which also run, not worried that Naruto is gonna get him with his little legs.

After a while, things calmed down then Naruto and the rest of team 7 we're planning.

"Alright, so since we're in the past, We need to be careful of the things we change and things we don't" Naruto said, activating his hokage mode

"Sasuke, don't kill Danzo. I know it's in your mind but don't do it. We'll cross that bridge later." Sasuke nodded. "Sakura, since your mark of a hundred seal is gone, can you get started on it?"

"I'm already on it. But Naruto, how do we explain it? Especially if Tsunade-sama comes back and makes me her apprentice again?"

"I'll make a seal for that. I learned a lot of fuinjustu before becoming hokage so I think I can do it." Sakura nodded.

"Naruto, remember we need to limit our changes. We're also not sure with the technicalities of time-travel. So I say, we limit ourselves in one month. Which means no jutsu surpassing genin level." Kakashi added

"That'll be hard, especially without Rasengan, but I'll manage. We also need to talk about the defenses"

"What do you mean?" Sasuke asked

"We need to prepare for the invasion 20 years later"

"That's a bit early, don't you think? Since Konoha, you know..." said Sakura

"Gets destroyed and rebuilt because of Pein? I've been thinking about that. Do we stop him?" Naruto asked

"Dobe, you know we don't. Konoha becomes the konoha we know because of Pein's invasion"

"But! Think of the people we can save!" Naruto replied

"Naruto, Sasuke. We'll cross that bridge when we get there. Remember! We're still back in the beginning so it's still early" Kakashi then interjected.

Naruto and Sasuke shuts up. Kakashi then stands up "We'll go with my plan. One month. No changing things. We'll do things we did the last time. Alright?"

The rest of team 7 nods. " We'll meet at the bridge 10:00. Don't be late my genin" Kakashi says with an eye smile, then he shunshins out of there.

Naruto and Sasuke just gritted their teeth " Way to rub off that we're still genin" Sakura laughs and takes Sasuke's hand . A small blush develops in Sasuke's face. "You're still genin after all this years anyways! What's the difference?"

"Sakuraaaa! Don't be mean!" Naruto says. Sakura laughs and runs off with Sasuke. "Come Sasuke, lets rub off that we're together with Ino-pig!"

"Hey! No changing the past!" Naruto shouting at his teammates. Then he stops in his tracks "Dammit, hormones! I don't want to start again with puberty-dattebayo!"

"It isn't just hormones. You plus your younger self's mind merged which concluded with this. Don't worry it'll end kit, when you grow old. Again"

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