Team Seven

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Naruto understood why he suffered. Why he lived through a lot of pain and anguish. Why He lost lots of people he loved. He understood that. Yet if given the chance, would he change that? He doubts he would. Being hokage was something he wanted. He had a family with Hinata and yet he mourns. Mourns for the things he lost and enjoys the things he gain. But now? People would mourn him. For what was happening, he doubts that he can live through it

"Hokage – Sama!" Naruto saw a jonin running towards him

"Where's Sasuke and the others?!" asked Naruto. He last saw Sasuke with Sakura and Kakashi fighting the enemy.

"They're coming! I'm here to report the evacuation is successful and your family safe!" said the Jonin.

"Alright, thanks for the report. Now I can go full kyuubi mode. Tell the others to evacuate and tell Sasuke, Sakura and Kakashi – Sensei to go here as soon as they can."

"Hai, Hokage- sama!" saluted the Jonin.


e thought that the invasion wouldn't come for atleast another generation but he was proven wrong. Sasuke managed to warned him atleast 10 hours before they arrived. He was atleast able to say goodbye to his loved ones.

"Naruto don't do this! We'll fight through this together!" said Hinata. Her eyes full of tears, Hinata wanted to stay with Naruto and fight with him. Yet Naruto refused. Why? Why?

"HINATA, I won't expect to survive this. The enemy are too strong for you-"

"We'll get through it! Like we've always have!

"That was before we had Bolt and Himawari! Hinata, please. If anything happens" Naruto's eye was becoming wet with tears. Goodbyes are hard, he thought

"If anything happens, be a good mother to them. Be a good parent. Raise them to be good kids"

Hinata's body shook. Naruto wasn't like this. He was always positive that everything will be fine afterwards. That everything was gonna be fine. Now she saw a side that she though she would never see. HE was scared. Scared for them.

"Stop being selfish! I don't want you to be a legend protecting our village! I want you with me! I want you with me and Bolt and Himawari! Please Naruto…" Hinata tried to reason with Naruto

"I'm sorry, but it's the only way. I'm sorry for what's gonna happen. I love you."Naruto put his hand to her cheek. This might be the last time he'll feel her face again. For Hinata, she put herself closer to Naruto. This might be the last time she'll feel him beforehe turned serious

"You and you! Take her to the evacuation zone" Pointing to two ANBU members near the door


Naruto shed a tear. He knows that he was selfish but family comes first, His life second. He notices three figures running towards him and he grinned. He knows who those three are.

"Sasuke! Sakura! Kakashi-sensei!"

"Naruto!" said Sakura and Kakashi. The dust settled and enemies surrounded them.

"So this is it huh Usurotonkachi?"

"Yeah, teme!" Said Naruto as he paused and closed his eyes " I'm glad to have met all of you. Sasuke. Sakura. Kakashi-sensei"

All three of them nodded to Naruto, their old time friend, student and Hokage. Naruto went to his mindscape and immediately saw a very red fuzzball that he called friend and partner

"Kit, I'm not good with goodbyes, you know that. But... this has been one hell of a ride. I hope, that whoever I get stuck with next time, gets to be another you" said Kurama

"Yeah, Kurama. You all deserve that" Naruto smiled before looking at his friend one last time " Are you ready for one last final round?"

"Kit, I'm always ready to fight, just say the word, and I'll be there!" Kurama roared as he sat down and prepared to amass chakra.

Naruto smiled, and went out of his mindscape, just in time to see them be surrounded.

"This is team 7's final mission. An S rank mission. Protect Konohakagure to the death!" said Kakashi, as he watched the enemies surround them, all with menacing and insane glares

"One last final mission, with the real Team Seven" said Sasuke, preparing his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and his Rinnenngan before he realeased his cloak. He unsheated his katana, using a one-hand seal to cover the sword with Chidori.

"One last fight, with all of you guys" said Sakura, releasing her 'Strength of a Hundred' seal. All at once, black marking cover her entire body, indicating that it has been released for after so many years.

"You have all grown well. I am proud to die with knowing that you all have been my students, and Naruto be my Hokage" said Kakashi, purple lightning in one hand, kunai on the other.

"Team 7! Go!" said Naruto, going full kyuubi mode. His body covered with golden chakra.

Then they attacked.




Then darkness



Naruto wakes up at his apartment covered in a drenching, cold sweat. At instinct, he looked at the date and suddenly his eyes widen. He looked at himself and was surprised with a small body, small hands, small legs. He got a mirror and checked himself, and was surprised as he felt his cheeks. Soft, full of baby fat. Then he looked at his hands, uncalloused and soft.

"What the hell is going on here?"

(Naruto) Team Seven: Life Returned (OLD)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora