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The most important thing for me is to consider the Fruit that remains from God's work in the lives of people. I do not believe anything is more significant or important! Where there is no Fruit of the Spirit evident, we are wasting our time!

So what is the Fruit that comes from our meetings? What happens in the lives of those who come? What evident change do we see as a sign that they have been with Jesus?

# Falling in Love with Jesus!

The first and the most important attribute that we constantly see and encounter in our meetings and in the lives of those who have been Mightily touched by the Holy Spirit, is the Fruit of a new, deep and intimate Love being ignited in their hearts for Jesus! Those who come leave head over heels in Love with Jesus! 

Their hearts are burning with a new revelation of Him, a new passion to serve and follow Him and an undeniable desire to worship, and to live their lives worthy towards Him and His will for them.

There is a TOTAL sell-out and dedication that happens in the lives of those who come to our meetings - HUNGRY! 

Their entire lives are capitulated in His Presence and a deep and passionate Love for Him, a hunger for more of His Presence is born into lives in these meetings.

# Faith!

The second Fruit that becomes evident in people who have been touched by the Fire of God is that all things become possible to them. A new level of faith is given birth though a genuine Encounter with God and His Presence! 

People begin living in the place of faith, believing the God of the miraculous whom they have encountered for themselves.

# Brokenness

Thirdly the fruit if brokenness and humility becomes evident. People that were once “ ramrod straight” and proud, become as meek as lambs as the Fire of God melts their hearts and ignites the Love of God within them! It becomes easy to say “I am sorry!” , easy to forgive and easy to love and be loved!

# Holiness

Holiness is another of the Fruit that becomes clearly evident in the lives of those who are touched by God and ignited with His Holy Spirit's Fire!

A desire for more of God is born, whereas at the same time all taste is lost for the things of the world. 

What once seemed important in the world becomes least important in Light of His Glory and Grace! 

A Divinely inspired hunger after righteousness is born and fanned by the Flame of God's Fire, as people begin seeking God and hungering after His a Presence, spending time with Him at every opportunity they can. 

Worldly entertainment makes space for time spent in His Presence, as people are consumed with the Fire of His Love!

# Seeking God's will

Lastly, but in no way least important, is the Fruit of having the desire to follow Him and to do His will in their lives - above all! 

People's eyes are opened to God's eternal plan for them. 

They lose perspective of the things in this world and begin living in the reality of eternity to come! They become Heavenly minded and eternally hearted. Their hearts set on those things from Above where He dwells , and they begin to pursue God's will for their lives above all else!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2014 ⏰

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