# THE A,B,C's

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How the Spirit flows in these meetings -

When we are invited to host meetings at churches, we generally ask the leaders and pastors to surrender the meetings to us, so that we in return can surrender the meetings to the Holy Spirit and His leading. 

From the moment we enter worship and praise, after the pastor has concluded a short pre-program for taking up the offering, we take over the service in worship and engage the worship team as an extension of ministry to the people.  

After this point there are no further interruptions as we give the meeting into His Hands and allow Him to lead us to the feet of Jesus and to soar around His Throne.

Sometimes the Spirit's focus will be on the Word (preaching), preparing people's hearts before a breakthrough will come and a floodgate of the miraculous and the Power of God will be released from Heaven!

At other times the Spirit will just begin to flow from the very beginning of the meetings and continue all the way through, Powerfully touching and transforming lives.

Sometimes the focus and emphasis will shift from the ministry of the Word to the Moving of the Spirit upon God's people, with only short “Power-Word” released amidst the flow of the Spirit in the meetings.

All our meetings are done for the Spirit, as ordered by the Spirit and as He wills, to the Glory of a God and to Magnify Jesus.

# The KEY point here is the willingness of the leadership to FULLY yield the meetings to us and to allow the Holy Spirit FREE REIGN without any interference - from beginning to end! 

That makes it possible for all of a Heaven to come and for the Glory of God to become visible and tangible in every meeting!

When we book a venue for meetings in a city or town independently, we do it exactly the same!  Nothing changes, as we simply yield all to 

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