Angela: Lets change the subject, Are you big on family? 

Scott: Oh yea family is number one to me.

Angela: We might finally get grandchildren. 

Alexis: OMG MOM!

They pull up to the house and Alexis showed Scott where they would be sleeping. Scott was walking around Alexis's old room and looking at all her awards before he stopped on pictures of back when she was younger. 

Scott: You were a cutie even when you were younger.  

Alexis: *looks at the floor* T-Thank you. I didn't use to think so. 

Scott: *sits on the bed* What do you mean? 

Alexis: Back when I was younger I use to have a really low self esteem about myself and it caused me to have a eating disorder. I never really thought of myself as that beautiful. 

Scott: *pulls her on his lap* Hey I think you were beautiful then and I think you are beautiful now. 

Alexis: I love you. 

Scott: I love you too. 

Alexis: Can I ask you something?

Scott: Anything. 

Alexis: You said earlier that family comes first, Do you see yourself wanting to start a family with me?

Scott: *smiling* absolutely. There is no one else I would rather have a family with. why do you ask? 

Alexis: It's just being in here and seeing all my photos of when I was younger just got me to thinking and I am worried that you will get tired of me and leave like everyone else. 

Scott: * holds her face*I will never get tired of you. You walked into my life and after I got to know the real Alexis Kaufman, You became my life. There is nothing more in the world than you and I will tell you that til my last breath. 

Alexis:  *Kisses Scott*

~3 hours later~ 

Everyone was watching TV and Alexis parents watch Scott and Alexis's interactions with each other as they were laughing and joking. They couldn't help but fell blessed to see their daughter finally happy. Bob took Scott down to show him the man cave while Alexis stayed with her mom to talk and show photos of the couple from her phone.  

Angela: Your father and I approve of Scott. We can see that he makes you a lot happier than the last time we seen you with Mathew. 

Alexis: Yea Scott is so much different than Mathew.  He is so gentle and loving, never even raises his voice to me. He makes me feel like I am the only person in the world. He got into a fight at Wrestlemania with Mathew. 

Angela: What do you mean? What happened? 

Alexis: Well Mathew was trying to force himself on to me after a show and when Scott found out he had Mathew fired. While I was in my match at Wrestlemania, Scott was attacked by Mathew but he was able to fight him off. Scott pressed charges for assault and thus Mathew was arrested. 

Angela: Me and your dad wanted you to get away from him. *nudges Alexis* sounds like you have a keep in Scott. So you two going to give me grandchildren?  

Alexis: He is someone that I want to marry one day and have kids with. I think he will be a great father, he always finds time to spend time with the younger fans. We talked about it a little bit in my room and I was surprised how excited he was to eventually start a family with me. 

Angela: *Hugs Alexis* I am so happy for you. Just don't let this one to get away. 

Bob: *From the basement* Angela! come her for a second!

Angela and Alexis looked at each other confused before Angela walked down into the basement to see what was going on. When she walked in the basement, she could see Scott and bob standing at the bar smiling and talking. As she approached she seen a ring sitting on the bar and she put her hands up to her mouth when we seen it. 

Bob: Scott wants to know something. 

Scott: Angela I was thinking of asking Alexis  to be my wife and I wanted to make sure I have both of your good graces? 

Angela: *Runs over and hugs Scott* Absolutely! You will make Alexis so happy. 

Scott: I just have to find the right time to ask her. *Picks up the ring* My mom gave me this ring the last night I seen her and she told me to it to Alexis when the time was right. Well I know we haven't been together for a really long time but I am ready to be with her forever.   

Bob: Now remember you can't say anything to Alexis til Scott gets the chance to ask her. 

Angela: I'm Not going to tell her!

Bob: Hunny you tell her everything. 

Angela: Fair point but Scott you don't have to worry. Your secret is safe with me. 

~few hours later~

All four of them had just finished dinner and were sitting out by the fire having a few beers while having some small talk. Scott seen that Alexis was cuddled up to him falling asleep. 

Scott: Well I better get her to bed, thank you two for everything. 

Angela: It is our pleasure, Goodnight Scott. 

Bob: *raises beer* good night. 

Scott: *Picking Alexis up* Good night. 

Scott carried Alexis into the bedroom and laid her down on the bed before tucking her in. He then went into the bathroom and took a quick shower before climbing into be with Alexis. He started to drift off asleep until he felt Alexis turn around and snuggle into his chest. 

Alexis: *sleepily*  My parents adore you. They have never been so approving of any of my ex's. 

Scott: They are great people and I have enjoyed spending time with them. 

Alexis: *lightly kisses Scott* Thank you. 

Scott: *confused* Your welcome, but for what? 

Alexa: walking my life. 

Scott: *Wraps his arms around Alexis* I love you. 

Alexis: I love you too. Good night. 

Scott: Good night.

The Day We Met (Alexa Bliss X OC) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now