Nico at a mortal school? A disaster waiting to happen.

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"Hopefully they'll be as nice as Mr. Brunner at least," Ned said as they reached their lockers.

Peter shrugged again. Ned took notice of the eye bags under his friends eyes. He looked at Peter with concern. "Hey, dude, you okay? You seem pretty tired."

Peter gave a reassuring smile as he opened his locker. "Yeah, I'm okay. It's just that Mr. Stark and I stayed up really late last night working on different web-fluids for my webshooters."

"Alright dude, just make sure that you get enough sleep. Wouldn't want you to fall asleep as Spider-Man," Ned joked, but you could hear the concern in his voice.

"Hey Parker! What are you talking about? Your non-existent internship at Stark Industries?" Flash smirked at Peter and Ned, seemingly coming from nowhere.

Peter internally rolled his eyes. Flash was really annoying, but Peter would put up with him so others wouldn't have to endure the pain that was Flash Thompson. Ignoring Flash, Peter acted as if he didn't hear anything and instead shut his locker close. He made sure it was securely locked too; he didn't want Flash to pull any tricks.

Of course, that seemed to make Flash even more angry. "Hey! Penis! I'm talking to you!"

And here enters MJ, Peter's lord and savior. (Yes, feel the sarcasm roll of in waves through the screen)

She waved a little at Ned and Peter and then faced Flash, flipping him off. She looked dead inside as she said, "Fuck off."

Flash gaped openly, not knowing how to respond to something so blunt. He stood there for a few more seconds before storming off in anger.

MJ turned to Ned and Peter. "Hey losers."

"Hey MJ," Peter and Ned both replied.

Suddenly, the bell rang, signaling that it was time for class. Bidding each other farewell, the three teens headed off to their first class of the day.

『・ ̄・』『・_・』『・ ̄・』『・_・』『・ ̄・』『・_・』『・ ̄・』『・_・』『・_・』

Finally, it was Peter's 3rd period, history. Luckily, Ned and MJ shared the same history period and class as Peter. The three usually walked to history class together. But unfortunately, Flash was in there too.

"You know, I heard a couple rumors about the new history teacher," MJ remarked.

Ned raised an eyebrow. "What kind of rumors?"

"Well you know that guy that visited us while we were all dead?"

"Uh yeah, that Nico guy. He was pretty nice," Peter said.

"Well there are rumors that the new history teacher looks exactly like him," MJ said.

Ned shrugged. "It's probably just a rumor. I wouldn't be too worried about it."

Peter and MJ nodded in agreement. A comfortable silence fell between the trio the rest of the way.

Finally, the three made it to the history class, barely on time. When they made it inside, everyone was already sitting down. Mumbling a quiet "Sorry," Peter, Ned, and MJ rushed over to their seats without looking at the teacher. When Peter finally looked at the teacher, let's just say he was shocked.

The teacher looked to be no older than 27 years old, and looked to be about 5'7 feet tall. He had black hair which was tied into a short ponytail, olive colored skin, and chocolate brown eyes. He had a lean and muscular build, despite being kind of short. The shocking part? He looked exactly like the man who had visited them while they were dusted.

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