
358 19 2

heyyyyyy uh it's been like 2 years

how r yall doin lmao

no idea if anyone'll read this but yknow it's been like a really fuckin long time since I've been on this story lmao

im???? actually fucking flabbergasted????
there's like 50 comments on the first part and there's 300+ comments on the part 2??? I literally never knew so many people actually liked this piece of crap???

yall r literally so fucking nice wtf

I'm probably lying considering I've said this like a bunch of times in the past year but I might reconsider getting into writing again lmfao

maybe I'll ask my therapist whether writing would be a good coping thing for me idk lmao I still haven't introduced her to fanfiction tho

alsoooooo hannah if you're reading this fuck off. Why Are You Reading This. im going to take your girlfriend. (jkjk ofc yall too fuckin cute I also lowkey forgot her name)

edit: why are there so many tags on this.

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