The love goddess disappeared as Sakura's mother opened her daughter's room door. "Lunch is ready. There are extra cookies downstairs if you want to take some to your friends."

"Mom.. I have a question."


"The Uchihas... what exactly happened?"

Mebuki sighed. "The Uchihas... they were a very prestiguous clan. The most powerful clan in Konoha. They were also in charge of the military police here. However, they were corrupted. Greedy bastards with only themselves in mind." She turned to her daughter. "They were massacred by Itachi Uchiha, who only left his little brother alive as the sole survivor. Sasuke Uchiha, I think his name was." She left the room, talking as she walked into her bed room. "In my opinion, it's great that they died. Less ridiculousness the village has to deal with."

Sakura wrapped some cookies up in two bags and left the apartment, claiming to be not hungry. She went to the Yamanaka Flower Shop first and left cookies there for Ino and her family before wandering the streets of Konoha, thinking on what her mother had said.

"Sasuke.." The pinkette started looking around for her teammate. She wandered around the village and asked some elders where the Uchiha compund was. After getting strange looks, she received an answer and went to the west side of the village, away from everywhere else. At the sight of the compound, she stopped. There were boarded up walls and yellow tape everywhere.

Sakura moved the yellow tape out of the way that blocked the entrance to the clan grounds and stepped inside. The houses were barren and the roads were empty as she walked down the dirt paths. Never before had she seen somewhere so... lifeless. All her life, having been living in Konoha, she had no idea that were could be a place in that lifeful village that was so dead.

Finally, she reached the biggest house on the clan grounds - the house of the clan's head. Sakura noticed that the door to the house was cracked, unlike the other houses, which were bolted shut. She held the bag of cookies she had left in her hands and slowly opened the door, peering inside.

In the foyer, Sakura saw white tape outlines of what she knew were dead bodies, mostly likely on top of each other. There was dried blood still on the floor and walls and she grimaced at the sight. The floor creaked softl with every step as she walked through the house. If someone hadn't seen the foyer, they would've thought that someone still lived in this house. The rest of the house seemed clean and full of life, with living flowers still that someone took care of.

Sakura had only made it to the kitchen and eyed the lilies in a vase when a breeze went through the open window and a kunai appeared at the base of her throat. The pinkette sucked in a small breath with a gasp and stayed still, clenching the bag in her hands.

"Why are you here?"

Sakura recognized the voice and her eyes widened as her heart beat sped up in her chest. "S-Sasuke..? Um, well I was looking for you and.. the-the cookies..." She started stumblng over her words.

"You're trespassing." Sasuke lowered the kunai and stared at her. "Leave."

"Why are you here?" Sakura turned his question back on him. When given a questioning look, she blinked before realizing what he mean. "I mean... I know this used to be your home, but it's so empty and I don't think people are supposed to be here anymore..."

"You don't need to tell me what I do." Sasuke walked out of the house with Sakura right on his heels. She sighed, knowing this wasn't going according to how she thought it would be.

She walked around him and stopped in front of him in the main entrance road of the Uchiha compound. She held out the bag of now semi-crushed cookies to him and smiled. "My mom had extras. I thought you might like some."

The Uchiha looked at the bag and back at Sakura. "I don't like sweets."

"Oh..." She lowered the bag. "Well, that's okay. I can eat them then."

Sasuke walked around her and left the compound. Sakura blinked and ran after him. She wondered if since he wasn't talking in syllables now, he'd hear her out for a moment. Although he might be pissed at her for coming into his family's grounds.


The boy didn't answer as he kept walking with his hands in his pockets. Sakura walked next to him and she glanced at him before sighing.

"I don't want to be too late with this. At some point, I was too late to tell you this, so now I'm going to tell you. Sasuke, I like you. I'm infatuated by you and a lot of things about you. These things, however, could possibly not be true since I don't know much about you - but I want to know more. Things you like, dislike, fears, stuff like that."

She smiled at him as they kept walking back to the village.

"I learn new things about you everyday. Today, I learned that you don't like sweets. Do you like bitter things? Sour things? Hot things?"

Sasuke stopped and looked down at the pinkette next to him, who was smiling as she talked and rumbled on about him. Once she'd stopped, she looked up at him with innocent eyes. He frowned, knowing that she was being sincere, but he knew that if he were to accept this or lead her on with her imagination, she wouldn't be able to handle what was really going on with his life or his aspirations the way she was now.

"Sakura." He said and she immediately looked at him. "The way you are now, you'd only be a bother."

With that, he walked away and she watched him go, standing still in that spot. After a while, she finally started moving again, walking home slowly. She didn't cry, she didn't whimper... she stayed quiet. 

"I should've known regular measures weren't going to work." She sighed. "Sasuke's a puzzle I need to solve. And I love puzzles... I love solving things. It's what a specialize in. It's what I do." She pep-talked herself up as she walked into her apartment, which was dark so her parents weren't home again. She left the bag of cookies on the counter and went into her room, sitting on her bed.

I'm still going after Sasuke. After all these years, I still haven't learned a thing. Well, I'm being a hypocrite too. I'm still chasing Sasuke at my age although I told myself otherwise.

"Who's there?" Sakura looked around, tensing up. She jumped off the bed and reached onto her dresser, fumbling with the kunai knife there.

I wish I had grown up faster when I was thirteen. My time studying was not wasted as I became very bright, but my lack of endurance became a burden to my team. My lack of strength became a weak point I had to overcome. But by the time I overcame it, it was too late for me to show it off.

"I-I'm serious... Who's there?" The pinkette stood in a guarded stance, looking around the room. The lights were on and there was no one in there at all - yet, she still heard the voice in her head.

Look at yourself in the mirror, myself.

Sakura took caution as she slowly walked over to her floor length mirror. Standing in front of mirror, she lowered the kunai and stared at herself in shock. In the mirror was not herself at this age, but her older sixteen year old self.

This is who you are, Sakura. Everything you gain in the next three years, I have - and more. This is who you become after Sasuke leaves. Whether you become me if you get Sasuke to stay is left to your own resolve.

☛ You've just read Chapter 5 of "It's For The Best" by BlurredLove 
I've been inactive, I know. A lot of things have come up and I'm sorry for having made this chapter so late. Thank you all for reading and for following my story so far. May more chapters come to continue this story in the near future. I really do appreciate you all.

♡ Amor In Wattyland

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