Chapter 7

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The Chunin Exams hit her like a ton of bricks.

"Sakura, are you okay?" a voice asked. Sakura stared at the crowd of people in front of her as she, Naruto, and Sasuke stood inside of the double doors labeled 'Chunin Exams Test 1'. Naruto waved his hand in front of the female's face again as she continued to look around. Hidden Sand... Hidden Mist... and the Hidden Sound.The flashbacks flew across her mind all too quickly and the first thing she wanted to do was run. Blinking away her thoughts, she turned to Naruto with a small smile, nodding her head.

The doors opened and in came the proctors for the exam, including Ibiki Morino. He looked just as scary as she had remembered. The scar across his face definitely wasn't helping anything.

"My, how energetic you all are. We'll have to change that." Ibiki said as he stood in the front of the room. "My name is Ibiki Morino and I am the proctor for your first test - the Written Exam." He stood with a sense of authority as he talked, but Sakura was busy scanning the room. Where was the creepy woman from before?

Naruto looked towards Sakura and Sasuke in utter despair. "A paper test?"

"We're going to get this exam started. Everyone take a number and sit down in the seat where your number has been placed." Once everyone was seated, Ibiki began to tell everyone the rules and procedure for the exam. For the most part, everyone was sitting in the same spots, the same overseers were present, and these were the same questions on the test. Once the test started, Sakura quickly wrote down her answers so she could continue her search. The number one goal for today was to find the woman and make sure Sasuke never saw her.

Sakura, don't make it too obvious. Wait until-

Suddenly, everything became dark and a small giggle flooded Sakura's mind. The thirteen year old pinkette was nowhere to be found, however a new voice spoke up.

"Well, well, well... I always knew that big forehead of yours would be good for something someday." A blond rose from the shadows of Sakura's conscious - Ino Yamanaka. It was clear that Ino was in control now as Sakura's body picked up her completed test. "I'll take this as repayment for our earlier years." As she started to memorize the words on the paper, another shadow appeared behind her.

"Look who we have here... A little piggy that's lost her way?"

Ino's figure stiffened and she quickly stopped what she was doing. She had performed the Mind Transfer Jutsu perfectly. What was going on? As she turned around, her eyes widened significantly. S-Sakura? But it wasn't Sakura at the same time...

"W-Who... W-Wha-" The blond started to stumble over her words in shock.

Sixteen year old Sakura smiled at Ino. She used to be so cute.. What happened? "Ino-pig... I don't have time to chat now, however the next time we meet, I won't hold back. You have three seconds to leave my head or I'll force you out myself."

Ino couldn't believe her eyes as she looked at the female in front of her, counting down the seconds. Every moment, she could feel her spirit starting to drift back towards her body. Knowing that she wasn't getting anywhere with this, Ino returned back to her own body. What the heck was going on here? What happened to Sakura?

"The Written portion is now over and we will begin the final question of the exam." Ibiki announced. Sakura blinked as she looked around the room. What just happened?

Focus, Sakura. I already took care of it.

Frowning, Sakura nodded to herself. As people started leaving the room, Sakura finally noticed the woman in the back corner with the hat. Orochimaru... She had to warn a proctor that there was something going on, but how was she going to tell them? She was sent from the future to save her teammate and the lady in the back isn't who she says she is? They wouldn't believe a word she said.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2018 ⏰

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