Boss was just an asshole, making stuff up. Maybe the guys were just playing a prank on him. And what an elaborate prank that was in that case. He was although not too sure that these idiots would be able to pull off something like that. These two would never be able to sneak around quietly, not to mention hiding his things without exposing themselves with their own excitement.

Shit. Did he seriously need to do a research about his own room?


Sarawat was running late to his afternoon lecture but he could not find his laptop anywhere. He could have sworn that he had left it on his desk the night before. In lack of other ideas he finally got down on his knees with an exasperated groan, checking under the bed. And there it was, the sought after shiny piece of technology. Huh.

Fucking poltergeist.

Sarawat gritted his teeth. This whole situation was slowly but steady getting on his otherwise rather passive nerves.

He reached out a tanned hand, his fingers grazing against the cold, sleek surface when he felt a chill run down his spine, the small hairs on his arms rising. He paused in mid-motion as a moving box next to the bed suddenly toppled over, hitting Sarawat right between his shoulder blades and spilling the clothes that had been inside it all over him. A dress shoe knocked against the crown of his head as it tumbled out and clattered to the floor, the second half of the pair following soon after.

"Fuck!" Sarawat rushed up to his feet, eyes ablaze while wildly looking around the room, searching for the culprit, his hair flying around at the jerky movement.

There was no one there, only the eerie silence baiting back at him. The curtain by the balcony door fluttered innocently in the breeze from the open door and Sarawat's neck prickled annoyingly, as if someone was watching him.

This was getting ridiculous.

He rubbed at his nape with a callused hand, lips twisted on a frown. He then kicked at the now empty cardboard box and the hollow bang echoed throughout the room. The box had been stacked on top of another box quite securely, he was sure of that and besides, it should have been taped shut as well. It was one thing if things kept getting misplaced but if people started getting hurt then--

Sarawat's gaze suddenly caught a glimpse of something amongst the clothes strewn around his feet and he instantly lost his previous train of thought.

A guitar pick!

Feeling ridiculously happy at having finally found at least one of these little elusive bastards, Sarawat quickly pocketed it. At least he got something out of this strange battle of wits.

His tiny bout of self-retribution did not last all that long when his phone buzzed with an incoming call, interrupting his inner monologue. Sarawat picked it up lazily from the nightstand, staring at the caller ID. His furrow deepened. It was his mother. Just one thing after another, huh. Reluctantly he answered the call.

"Yes, mother?"

"Honey, my people are here to pick you up," his mother informed over the line sweetly, a little too sweetly. "Please go down, they're here to take you to the family villa."

Sarawat made a non-committal humming sound just before he asked, "Why?"

"What do you mean why? We have not see each other for several weeks. We need to have at least one proper dinner with the whole family each month."

"Haven't you disowned me or is my hearing going bad since you shouted exactly that line straight into my ear a couple of weeks ago?" He droned, siting down on his bed floppily, elbows propped on his sturdy thighs. Ready to drag this out just to spite her.

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