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he woke up in a dark room, to his head hurting badly. he knew exactly where he was, he just only wished he could see.

he assumed that his mother had somehow found a way to sleep drug him, making him extremely tired. he slept practically the whole day, and didn't eat one bit. san had no appetite anyways, so he wasn't necessarily starving.

he groaned, forcing himself out of the bed he was laid in. stumbling in the dark, he eventually found the door but realized it was locked.

his mother must have locked him in too, keeping him from trying to escape her. san hoped he could at least turn on the light, and lucky for him it worked still.

once he knew that he was in his own room, he didn't hesitate to look for something. that 'something' could help him get the door unlocked.

so as the minutes passed, san was throwing stuff out of the way and basically searching his entire room. he made sure he didn't miss a spot, otherwise he may chance not finding the said item.

he smiled to himself when a bobby pin showed up, on the top shelve of his closet. he approached the door in hope of getting it to unlock, which could take a while.

san had a lot of emotions going through his mind at the moment, but it wasn't the first time. he decided not to break down this time and make another attempt, and instead stay strong for wooyoung.

a/n: this is more of a filler for san, so its pretty short i apologize, but the next chapter for sure will be longer :)

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