"Woah, you did what?" Harry asked, shaking his head.

"No!  Well, I did.  Her phone was on the night stand, and it lit up from a group message from last night between her and the four other girls," I continued on.

"Well, what else happened?" Niall asked, eating a big bowl of cereal.

"Okay, remember Dr. Spalding?  And his assistants?  And that Matt guy, who was constantly texting Leah?  Remember all of that?" they all nodded in reply, "Well, Matt and Leah are going out to dinner tonight, as a date..."

I waited for Zayn's response, everyone here knew he liked Leah, a lot, "What?" he asked, "I thought they were already dating?  They have nothing in common anyway," his hands were clenching into fists.

"Zayn," Niall said, panicking that Zayn is on the verge of getting violent, "please, don't get violent or do anything you will regret,"

"I won't..." Zayn said while he un-clenched his fists, "Where's Olivia?"

Olivia's P.O.V.

*after the interview*

Oh my gosh, that interview was horrible.  They were asking us the most personal questions ever.  We tried to answer them as nicely as possible.  Well, I tried, Leah was zoned out for a while and barely spoke, Emmy was being rude to the interviewer, Jessie was on her phone, and Bree was talking back to the interviewer.

Our interviewer had fake written all over her; light brown hair that was teased, obvious vibrant green colored contatcs, a very revealing button-down top with the first two buttons undone, a short pencil skirt, and to top it all off-- her orange complexion with about ten pounds of makeup on.

We were done early, like really early.  The interview was supposed to be an hour or so, but it ended after 15 minutes due to the interviewer asking Leah about her little... problem.  After that question was asked, she ran off the stage, with all of us following.  Mary, our manager/bodyguard, was yelling at the producers about that question.  Leah never wants to talk about that, and when someone brings it up, she just bursts into tears, then leaves.

I heard my phone vibrate a little in my back pocket. 

One New iMessage From: Zayn Malik

Hey Liv.  I need you to do something for me...

Me: uh, sure. what is it?

Zayn: I found out about Leah's date with this Matt guy.  I need to make her jealous.

Me: what. no. you don't need to do that.

Zayn: Please?  You said you'd do it.

Me: okay fine. if this ruins my friendship with her, then i'll make sure you never have children.

Zayn: Joke's on you.  I'm a guy.

Me: you know what i mean, smartass.

After that, I didn't get a reply, so I put my phone back in my pocket.  What does Zayn want me to do?

Bree's P.O.V.

That interviewer was horrible.  She was the definition of fake.  I hated her.

"Hey girls!" Mary said to us, "Since you have been complaining about you not having a stylist, I hired one!  Her name is Sarah,"

She looked about in her late twenties, with dirty-blonde hair and blue eyes.  She looked like she was pregnant; I don't want to say anything though, what if she isn't?  Then I would look like a horrible person and she would make me look like crap for concerts and stuff!

We're Just Like Them... But Girls (A One Direction Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now