.Where'd That Come From.

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Wyatt paced nervousl back and forth in the den. Willa watched her brothers concerned behavior before looking at your empty spot at the supper table. You had went on walk to get some information out of the vampire who looked like you and had not yet return. The pack picked at their food also concerned about their member's behavior.  "Wyatt you need to eat." Wynter said to her close friend. Wyatt shook his head.

"I can't. Not until he's back. What if he attacked her or swept off her off on her feet into romantic moonlight?!" Wyatt listed a bunch of scenarios that were nonsense. Willa set her fork down her plate with a clink. "Wyatt don't be such a worry wolf we all know Y/n isn't so easily charmed." Willa tried to comfort her twin. "We learned this when she fell for Wyatt." Wynter mumbled to Willa.

Willa fixed her with a glare only because she knew had heard Wynter's hilarious comment. "Oh and also vampires prefer sunsets."  Willa said still trying to comfort him. Wyatt still couldn't help but hate the newcomer and didn't trust him. Everyone's attention was brought over to the entrance as footsteps echoed through the den. "Y/n" Wyatt thought excitedly thought. "Hey guys what's up!" A similar white haired girl spoke up.

"Oh hey... Addison..." Wyatt said, a little disappointed. "Where's Y/n?" Addison asked peering around looking for her twin. Willa explained the situation to Addison as Wyatt looked at the ground angered. How could he have been so stupid to let her go. He should have been there to protect her, like he promised. He looked up at the glimmering moonlight as it shined on the Moonstone in the center. "Please come back safe Y/n" He whispered to the sky.

With You and T.J

You looked up at a gorgeous moon as T.J perched against a rock. He seemed nice but you were a little on the edge, knowing the history between vampires and werewolf's so you didn't turn your back on him. "You know my father wants to meet you. And your sister" T.J said out of the blue. You thought about it. Why would the King of vampires want meet you and your sister? Were they trying to gain a friendship with their enemies?

"So what do you say?" T.J asked. You considered it more. You were curious about vampires and wanted to know more about them. But was this some sort of trap. Could this be the vampires plan of 'The Downfall Of Werewolves'? Plus you had a family, a pack here that needed you. And what would Wyatt think of this plan. You just weren't sure. "Can I have some time to think about it and talk with Addison?" You asked. T.J frowned before nodding, "I'll be leaving in two days." He said.

You thanked him before realizing it was past time for supper and that the pack was probably worried sick. You politely made your exit from you conservation with T.J and turned around. As soon as you did, unknown to you, T.J fixed you with a glare. You made it back to the den as Wyatt hugged you. "Where have you been?!" He scolded. "Oh c'mon Wyatt you know where I've been." You joked before seeing your twin. "Addi!!!" You yelled opening your arms for her. "N/n!!!" She yelled running towards you as you two met in the middle.

"We have to talk." You mumbled urgently in her ear. She nodded as you two walked to your room. As soon as you did so you told her everything, even the parts she claimed she already knew. "So let me get this straight... There's a vampire with white hair, that looks like us? And he wants both of us to come to meet his family?" Addison asked walking back and forth in your room as you scarfed down your cold food you had snatched on the way up the stairs.

"Yep". You said popping the 'p'. "But why me I'm just a human?" Addison asked. "I don't know, that's why I think it may be a trap." You shrugged. "But I've still got two days to decide." You added. Addison nodded as well sitting next to you on the bed. "Can you believe we just might find out some secrets like maybe the king wants to meet us cause we have vampire blood in us?!" Addison asked excitedly. "I doubt though." You shook your head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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