Chapter 01

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"Jihyo-unnie, there's a man sleeping on the couch!!!"

Jihyo? Who's that? And who's yelling?

"Quick, he moves! It looks like I woke him up!"
I opened my eyes and I saw the leather fabric of a couch.

A couch? Ah right, that girl. She took me home last night. What was her name again? Myunghee? Micha? Min? Mina? Right, Mina!

I turned on my back and wanted to rub the sleep out of my eyes but there was no need for that. I flinched as I saw someone head upside down staring at me. I quickly sat up and looked at the person, immediately wide awake. It was a girl, she looked rather young and wasn't really tall and had long ebony hair.
She had cute facial features but looked stern, obviously not pleased to find a stranger sleeping on the couch.

"Who are you?"I asked her.
"Who are you?" She asked back and the way she tilted her head to the side, and the tone in her voice, was pretty intimidating for someone who looks so cute. "We don't let strangers inside our house. And you stink."

I didn't know how or what to answer so I just kept silent. She then shouted the name from before again, without breaking eye contact with me.
"Jihyo-unnie!!!"Her voice was really loud and I instinctivly flinched again.
Then some other girl, seemingly from upstairs, answered.
"I'm coming." She sounded irritated and shortly after, she came down the stairs behind the girl in front of me. "What do you want Chae-"She stopped as she saw me and with a serious look on her face she came to a halt next to the other girl. The girl, no, woman, apparently named Jihyo, wore a white tanktop which accentuated her quite know.
As the simple man I am, I had to try my best to keep my gaze on her pretty and big eyes with dark brown orbs.
Her brown hair was in a stylish bob haircut and fairly messy, as if she just woke up.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" She asked and she was way more intimidating than the other one. The first girls behaviour was still kind of cute. But that ones? She was simply terrifiying and I felt the hairs on my neck straighten up. Her aura was something from another world.
"Answer her or I'll call the police." The younger one said, emphasizing her words by putting her chin up and stretching her chest, probably trying to look more tough.
I gulped one time before finally answering them.
"T-there was that girl I met yesterday evening at...the park. She...she said I could sleep here."
The older one sighed, closing her eyes and massaging the bridge of her nose.
"I-I think her name was-"
"Mina, yeah I know." She interrupted me. "I don't know why she did it, but I have to ask you to immediately leave."

Wow, that stinged. I knew that I had no right to stay when obviously the girl from last night didn't ask for her roommates permission.
After the tough times I went through the last three years, that action seemed like a little bit of hope. I thought that maybe I could stay a couple of days at her home, get things together. I was a complete stranger, sleeping on a bench in a park, but for some reason she, Mina, took me home.
First it showed that she had a good heart and secondly that she trusted me and wasn't afraid that I could harm her. In hindsight she was quite gullible. I didn't tell her all the details, just that many things happened and I no place had, where I could've gone.
It was a little bit of hope, that was unfortunately, too soon crushed.

So I stood up, took my jacket I just saw hanging over the armrest of the couch and apologized to the both girls while bowing.
"I'm sorry for disturbing you. I'll leave right now. Uhm, wh-where's the door?"
Jihyo gestured to the arch next to the TV.
"That hallway to the left."
I bowed one more time without saying anything more and made my way to the arch. While doing so, I took in the modern black and white interior design of the room. It was a spacious living room with an open kitchen area on the other side of the arch. In the middle a big cooking isle, lots of counters and cabinets and two fridges.
As I was in front of said kitchen, I heard some shouting from upstairs.
"Get out of my way Nayeon, I need blood!"
"Yah, Momo!"

Blood?! WTF?!

I turned to the stairs and another girl with short black hair came storming down. She ran right past me to one of the fridges. She opened the door and I saw that it was filled with only red bottles. that blood?No way. But she said she needed blood?

She opened one bottle and drained it with three or four big gulps.
"Oh my goodness, blood in the morning is the best way to cure a hangover!"
She turned to me, her mouth bloody(?) and the red liquid running down her chin. Dropping either on the white floor tiles or her grey shirt.

Her shocked expression, when she registered I was there staring at her, was the last thing I saw, before everything went dark.

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