Preparing for the Puppy

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*Rocky P.O.V.*

    The following Thursday morning I woke up at 9:00 and got ready for the day.  "Bye mom, bye dad. I'll see you later," I said grabbing an apple. I gave them a hug and a kiss on the cheek, then headed out the door. I walked over and sat on the hood of Zack's car eating my apple. "Morning beautiful," Zack said coming outside. "Mornin' handsome," I said uncrossing my legs. "I'm guessing you're excited to pick out your puppy," he asked standing between my legs. "You bet," I said wrapping my arms around his neck. He put his hands on my waist and gave me a quick kiss. "Well let's get going then," he said helping me down. We climbed in the car and Zack drove to his cousin's house. When we got there Faith lead us through the house to the back yard where the puppies were running around playing together. "Alright feel free to pick out your new puppy," Faith said as I sat down in the grass near where they were playing.

    Not long after I sat down the one pure white puppy with the greenest eyes saw me and began wobbly running towards me. "That's one of the three females. There are seven males," Faith informed me. The pure white female yipped causing the others to come towards me. The other puppies wobbled to me and the white one jumped in my lap. She sat there with her front paws on my belly for a bit before a pure black puppy with bright blue eyes pushes her out of the way. "That's her sister. They are very close," Faith said. "So they are best friends," I said. "Pretty much. It's quite precious," she said. I continued to play with the puppies until I finally decided. "I've made my choice," I said. "Which one," Zack said from next to me. "I hate to separate them, but I choose the pure black female," I said holding her up. "Hopefully they will meet again," Faith said putting a collar on her. "I'm just going to put this on her so when other people come to pick one out they will know she's already got a home," she said. "Thank you so much for your patience. I know it took me a while," I said standing. "Oh it's no problem. I did the same thing when I was picking out their momma," she said.

    We said our goodbyes then headed out to go get supplies for her. "So what are you going to name her," Zack asked on the way to the store. "Dakota Moon," I said with a smile. "That's pretty creative," Zack said. "Thanks. Now let's get to that store," I said laying my hand on his arm. We made it to the store and picked out some toys, dog food, puppy pads, bowls, and treats. We went to the register and Zack paid for everything. We loaded up his car then headed back to his house. We climbed out of the car and Slater came waltzing out of the garage. "Hey preppy. Hey Rocky," he said. "Hey Slater," I said. "Where have you guys been," he asked. "Zack took me to pick out my puppy today and we just got back from getting supplies," I said. "Well you guys are late," he said. We just looked at him as I grabbed the bags of supplies out of the trunk. "For band practice," he said finally. "Oh crap. Sorry we totally forgot," Zack said grabbing the large dog bed from the trunk. "Let us take this stuff over to my house then we'll be right back for practice," I said.

    We walked over to my house and put all the stuff in my room, then walked back over to his house for band practice. When band practice was over Zack and I went and sat out on the grass between our yards. "You know what we should do," I said. "What's that," he asked. "After graduation, if we're still together, we should take a road trip to my hometown in Tennessee," I said. "What do you mean 'If' we're still together. I couldn't imagine my life without you," he said. I felt my cheeks heat up when he said that so I looked away. "And I would love to visit your hometown," he said. We sat there talking some more until Robbie came outside. "Hey mom said to come inside," he said. "I better go," I said standing. "I'll see you tomorrow. I love you," Zack said standing up as well. "And I love you," I said giving him a quick kiss.

   When I got inside I helped my mom set the table then sat down to eat. After dinner I went to sort through all the things I got for Dakota Moon. After setting everything out, I grabbed a notepad and pen and headed for Robbie and Ritchie's room. "Hey can I borrow one of your computers for a few minutes," I asked. "I'm almost done. Just give me a couple of minutes," Ritchie said. I sat on Ritchie's bed and waited until he was done. "Alright. It's all yours," he said standing from his chair. "Thanks," I said sitting and pulling up the internet. "What are you looking for anyway," Robbie asked. "I'm researching the best way to house break a puppy," I said. I began to take notes for the various ways to house break a puppy and exited out of everything once I was done. "Thanks for letting me use your computer," I said to Ritchie. I headed back to my room and decided to take a shower before working on my song for Zack. Once I was done with my shower I got out my song book and guitar and began to make progress on it until it was finished, then went to bed.

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