Telling the Gang

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*Rocky P.O.V.*

    I rode to school with Zach like usual and when we got to school we made our way into the school. We went to my locker where the gang was already waiting. "Hey guys," I said opening my locker. "Hold up! Is that a ring I see," Lisa said. "Can we tell them now," Zach whispered in my ear. "It's a promise ring. Zach got it for me, when he asked me to be his girlfriend last night," I said. "So what did you say," Screech asked. "You dimwit obviously she said yes if she is wearing the ring," Slater said. "Awww how sweet. We need to have a girls night and you tell us all about it," Kelly said. "Totally," I said. The bell rang and we all went to homeroom. The first few classes passed by pretty slowly then we went to lunch at The Max I sat down and Zach sat next to me putting his arm around my shoulder. "Hey, wanna come over to my house later. We can work on homework together," I said to Zach. "Yeah. Sounds good babe," he said kissing my temple. "Awww. You guys are so gosh darn cute together," Lisa said.

     We finish lunch and went back to school and finished out the day then I rode home with Zach we walked into my house and I went to the cabinet after putting my stuff down. "You want any snacks? We got crackers, fruit snacks, cereal," I said. "How about we have a little fun first," he said hugging me from behind. "Like what," I asked. "Like how about make something," he suggested. "What do you suggest we make then," I asked turning to face him. "How about cupcakes," he said reaching over my head. "Okay one box then we do our homework," I said. I got out the aprons and Zach got out all the things we would need. I turned on the radio and we began to bake some cupcakes and make a mess. We were singing along to the radio and having fun while the cupcakes were in the oven. We were dancing in the kitchen together when I saw Robbie and Ritchie walk into the kitchen. I stopped and dusted myself off. "What is this," Robbie said a little upset. "Ummm, we were baking a snack and got a little carried away," I said starting to clean up the mess. Zach and I finished cleaning up the mess just as the cupcakes were done in the oven. We pulled them out and let them cool before we started to frost them. After we frosted them we each grabbed one and went to the table to do our homework.

   When we were done with our homework we sat and talked for a while before Zach had to be home for dinner. "I'll see you tomorrow," I said when we reached the door. "Bye, Rocky. Sleep well tonight," he said kissing me on the forehead. I walked back inside and went to my studio to work on some things. "Hey Mom asked me to start dinner. What do you want to eat," Ritchie asked. "How about stirfry," I asked. "Ok," he said walking out of my studio. I was working on a drawing when mom got home, and not long after dad got home too. While we were eating dinner I decided to ask my parents a question. "Hey is it okay if I have Kelly and a couple of friends over this Friday night. We are wanting to do a girls night," I asked. "I don't see why not. Your dad and brothers can go do something together for the night," mom said. "Thanks Mom," I said hugging her. We finished dinner and I went upstairs to call the girls from my room. "We are on for a girls night this Friday," I said. They got excited and we decided that tomorrow before school we would decided who would bring what. I got ready for bed and had a good night's sleep.

    I got up the next morning and decided I was going to wear my roots today. I put on a pair of light skinny jeans, my boots, a t-shirt with an unbuttoned flannel over top, and I straightened my hair. I slid downstairs on the rail and stuck the landing. I put my things in my backpack and headed out the door. "Morning babe," Zach greeted when I got to his driveway. "Mornin' Zach," I said. "You look beautiful today, like always," he said opening the passenger side door. We drove to school and we met up with the gang in homeroom. "So since Rocky is hosting and providing the stories, we need to decide who is bringing the other activities and snacks," Jessie said as soon as I sat down. "Business per usual," I said to Jessie. "I'll bring snacks," Kelly said. "And I'll bring some activities," Lisa said. "I'll bring drinks," Jessie said. While we were sorting everything out the boys came walking in. "What's going on," Slater asked. "Girls night strategizing," Jessie said. "Meaning no boys allowed," Lisa said. "Sorry," I said to Zach. "Well maybe we should have our own guys night at your house," Slater suggested to Zach. "You know I'm always up for a guys night but why my house. And on the same night as the girls', might I add," Zach said. "It's fine. We'll just keep the blinds shut so Slater doesn't get any ideas," Jessie said. "Then it's official. Guys night at Zach's. Girls night at my place," I said. "That sounds fun I'm in," a random girl nearby said. "I don't recall inviting you. I don't even know you," I said to her. "Wow you shut her down real quick," Lisa said impressed. "Next order of business. Are we all going to our designated houses straight after school or are we going to have a time for everybody to head over," I asked. "How about 6:30? That gives everyone time to get all their supplies without having to keep them at the school for the day," Lisa said.

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