The Dance (PART 2)

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*Secret Admirer P.O.V.* *Friday Night* *The Dance 6:30*

Tonight is the night. Tonight I reveal my identity to Rocky, I've been here for a hour and a half. As I check the clock in the bathroom for the twelfth time tonight I readjust my costume and place my hat on my head making sure that my face is hidden well by the shadow from my hat.

I take one last look at the clock and I see that it is now 7:10. Better start heading towards the gym and make sure that the band knows what to do. When I finally arrive in the gym, I make sure no one spots me as I make my way towards the stage.

I stop in the shadows behind the punch bowl to look at the clock across the room, and I see Rocky. Our costumes looked to go hand-in-hand. I am a Ringmaster and she is the Lion. I got so distracted by her beauty that I forgot why I stopped until Slater said to the girls, "what happens in 15 minutes?"

I quickly but swiftly finish making my way towards the stage. "You guys remember the plan," I asked. "Yeah," the bassist says, "at 7:30 you will join us on stage. And when you see the girl you will signal us to start playing Now and Forever. Then you will walk down to her and ask her to dance. Right?"

"Yep," I said, "thank you again for doing this for me."

"It's no problem. We enjoy helping guys surprise girls," the lead singer said. I looked at the clock 7:29. Showtime.

Right as the clock struck 7:30, both myself and Rocky were standing in our positions. I noticed Rocky was looking intently at me to figure out my identity. I turned and looked at the band and nodded my head at them to begin. When the first chord was played, I began my walk towards Rocky.

When I finally reached Rocky, I bowed and held out my hand hoping that she understood that I was asking her to dance. She understood almost immediately and took my hand, we danced close for the entire song. When the song came to an end we clapped for the band. I faced back towards Rocky and held my arm out for her to link her arm through, and again she got the message almost immediately. I began to lead her toward one of the back tables away from everyone else and away from the noise.

When she sat down she was going to scoot herself in, but I beat her to it. Once I was done pushing her in I sat down as well. Rocky didn't waste any time before she spoke.

"Who are you? You said in your letter that you would reveal yourself tonight," she said eagerly.

I chuckled and said, "I knew you would be eager to know my identity. And now as I promised, I shall reveal myself." I slowly reached for my hat, and said, "Rockelle G. Morgans, I, your Secret Admirer, reveal to you my identity. My name is Zachary Spencer Morris." Immediately after I told Rocky my name I took my hat off of my head.

"Zach," Rocky said, "you were my Secret Admirer this whole time?" I could see the shock and surprise in her eyes. "Yes it was me the whole time. Every letter was written by me. But all of the letters combined don't even come close to how I feel about you," I said. "I don't even know how to put my complete adoration into word, and if I haven't scared you away I would like to show you," I finished and waited for her response.

"Zach you haven't scared me away at all. I actually think that I like you more now," she said, "And if what you want to show me is what I think it is, then I would love for you to show me." This is my chance, my chance to show the only girl that makes my knees weak how I feel.

As I lean forward so does she, when our lips are just a inch apart we both close our eyes. I move my hands to cup her face and she moves hers to rest on my shoulders. The very moment that our lips touch I know she is the one for me. We slide our chairs to be closer together to deepen the kiss, and my right hand moves to the small of her back. Once I pull her closer to me with my hand that is on her back, she moves her hands from my shoulders to my hair. After 10 seconds, it seemed like an eternity, we had to break the kiss to catch our breath.

*Rocky P.O.V.*

How does he want to show me? Is he wanting to show me with a kiss maybe? "Zach you haven't scared me away at all. I actually think that I like you more now than I did before," I said, "And if what you want to show me is what I think it is, then I would love for you to show me."

As he leans forward so do I, when our lips are just a inch apart we both close our eyes. He move his hands to cup my face and I move my hands to rest on his shoulders just before our lips met. The very moment that our lips touched I felt fireworks. We slide our chairs to be closer together to deepen the kiss, and his right hand moved to the small of my back. Once he pulled me closer to him with his hand that was on my back, I moved my hands from his shoulders to his hair, and I begin to tangle my hands in his hair. After what seemed like an eternity, we had to break the kiss to catch our breath.

"Wow," Zach and I said at the same time. "So is that what you wanted to show me," I asked. When I saw his face it made me giggle. "Yeah, but I didn't mean to go that far," he said while blushing, "I guess that my feelings for you are greater that I thought."

"It was nice," I said, "it felt right. I actually didn't want it to end." I avoided eye contact, I don't know why I was being shy all of a sudden. I can not believe it, my first kiss was with Zach Morris. I felt a gentle touch under my chin lift my face to look at Zach. While I was looking up at Zach he said, "I didn't want it to end either."

*Zach P.O.V.*

After the kiss was over she said, "So is that what you wanted to show me?" Then she giggled when she looked up at me. "Yeah, but I didn't mean to go that far," I said and felt my cheeks begin to heat up, "I guess that my feelings for you are greater that I thought."

"It was nice," she said, "it felt right. I actually didn't want it to end." She looked like she was avoided eye contact, I don't know why she was being shy now. So I gently place my forefinger under her chin to lift her face to look at me. While I had her attention I said, "I didn't want it to end either."
"Quick question Zach," she said, "did you mean for our outfits to correspond with each other?" Then she giggled
   "No," I said, "I dressed as a Ringmaster because I find the history of the circus business intriguing."

"So now that you know that I'm your Secret Admirer," I began, "I'd like to ask you out on an official date." I cleared my throat and said, "Rocky, will you do the honors of making me the happiest man alive, by going on a date with me?"

"Yes, Zach Morris, I'll go on a date with you," she answered. "Now", she began, "Kelly, Jessie, and Lisa are most likely itching with anticipation to know your identity. So lets tease them a little bit first."

"How exactly are we going to do that," I asked. "Same way you did to me," she said as she grabbed my hat. She placed my hat on my head and, I'm guessing, hid my face in the shadow of the hat as she stood up. When she said, "done," I held out my arm for her to link hers through. Then we made our way over towards the punch table.

"Well who is he," Lisa, Kelly, Jessie, Slater, and Screech said in unison. "Think about it guys," Rocky said, "who's missing." They all thought for a moment, then, "ZACH MORRIS," again in unison. "In the flesh," I said as I took my hat off and bowed. "Never in my life would of imagined you Zach as the kind to secretly crush on someone," Jessie said. "Only for the right woman I am," I said as I looked at Rocky admirably. "Awwwwww," Lisa, Kelly, and Jessie said in unison. I had put my hat back on, but this time my face was visible. "Would you like to dance, mi 'lady," I asked Rocky. "I would love to dance with you, kind sir," she answered as she giggled. Before we could walk away Kelly said, "you two look adorable by the way. With your costumes I mean."

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