Girls night

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*Rocky P.O.V.*

    It was Friday night and before the boys left the house I went to their room. "Do you mind if I grab some shirts from your closets for tonight," I asked Robbie and Ritchie. "Why," Ritchie asked. "To have some fun," I said. "Ok whatever. Have at it," Robbie said. "Thanks," I said excitedly kissing each of their cheeks. I walked over to their closets and grabbed four dress shirts each a different color and took them to my room. Then the boys left to go do something and not long later the girls started arriving. "So first things first let's change clothes," Kelly said. "I ordered a pizzas so we got about half an our to have some fun before the delivery guy gets here," I said. "What have you got in mind," Lisa asked. "How about we dance around while wearing my brothers' dress shirts," I suggested holding them up. We changed and started dancing around the house and one of my favorite songs came on and I jumped on the coffee table in the living room and began to sing along.

   We were having fun and when the song was over I looked over at the window to see the boys peeking in. I run over to the window and scare them. "I thought we agreed no intruding on each other," I questioned opening the window. "Don't look at me I tried to stop them," Zack said. We chatted then they went back to Zack's house when the pizzas came. I answered the door and paid for the pizzas and brought it in. "Now that we got the pizzas tell us the story of how he asked you to be his official girlfriend," Lisa asked. I proceeded to tell them the story and all about the set up he made. "Awww. That's so sweet. You really got him hooked," Jessie said. "I brought some movies," Lisa said later. We watched movies until my brothers and dad came home and then decided to get ready for bed since it was after midnight. "Those are your brothers," Lisa said when they had gone upstairs. "Yes please don't get any ideas. I love my brothers dearly and I don't want to have to pick sides if anything goes downhill," I said. We went up to my room and got ready for bed then we quietly chatted until all but me fell asleep. I heard a tapping on my window so I quietly walked over to it and looked down to see Zack as the culprit. "Zack!? What are you doing here," I whisper-yelled. "I had to come say goodnight to my girl," he said. "Goodnight Zack. Now get back home before someone sees you," I said. "Not yet," he said before he proceeded to climb up the vines to my window. "Zack what are you," I began. I wasn't able to finish my sentence, because next thing I know Zack has pressed his lips to mine and was kissing me. I kissed back and when we parted we were both smiling. "Now I can go home, now that I have properly said goodnight to my girl," he said. He climbed back down and walked back over to his house. I stepped back from the window after closing it, then heard a throat clear. "He came to say goodnight," I explained as I turned around. All three of the girls were sitting up and looking at me. "He normally just calls, but I guess since the guys were over he didn't want to call," I said. "I think that it is really sweet of Zack," Kelly said.

   We went to sleep and the following morning when we woke up it was lunch time.

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