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Glimmer's Pov:

"she's been gone along time now bow I'm getting worried" I said "I told her to be back by sunrise and she's not what if she ran into the horde now I'm even more worried"

"Glimmer its ok I'm sure she can handle herself plus she has a tracker pad on her we can see where she is" Bow said trying to reassure me it wasn't really working though I wont be reassured until I see Adora safe.

"oh yeah I forgot about that. come on Bow were going to find her"

"shouldn't we just wait till she gets back she needs time to herself" He replied,

"no I don't care right now I just want to know if she's safe"

"ugh ok well let me in least go put some shoes on"

"I'll meet you outside the gates"

"ok see you there"

(Mini Time Skip)

Me and Bow walked out through the gates heading towards the Whispering Woods following the red flashing light that appeared on bows tracker pad to show where Adora was. The weird thing is the light wasn't moving it was still she must have found some 1st ones tech or something like that.

"Hey Glimmer she's fine she's probably just resting" Maybe bow was right course Adora is okay im just overthinking I just cant loose her I don't know what I would do if I did.

"ok were getting close" bow said. I shushed him to be quiet because i thought i heard something.

"erm glimmer" bow said "don't get angry and don't do anything stupid"

"Bow just tell me already" i shouted

"shhh you will wake them"


I could not believe what I was seeing right in front of me was Adoras head lying on the lap of the hordes force captain catra!
Catras pov:

I woke up knowing all was going to be ok because Adora was with me. I looked down at her sleeping peacefully she was so beautiful I brushed my fingers through her hair even her mini poof was adorable. I'm not worried about anything right now im calm which is weird ive never felt this relaxed in ages. I love the sound of the wind rushing past the trees I love the fact its so peaceful out here and I love her I love Adora.

I was drifting back to sleep knowing I had adora in my arms. I heard a shout a very familiar shout, I opened my eyes slowly, in the corner of my eye I saw sparkles and croptop. of course they were here they always turn up to ruin perfect moments. Ok catra act like your dead just wait until Adora wakes up shes good at sorting things out like this. Once again I fell back asleep.

Adora's Pov:

I woke up fluttering my eyes open. I sat up rubbing my eyes so I could see clearly and when I removed my hands from my face I saw Catra still asleep next to me,

"Awh she's purring this is so cute" I said not realising that I said it outload I stood up and turned around and when I did standing right there was Glimmer and Bow.

"What do you think your doing with that horde soldier the one that tried to KILL US" Glimmer shouted

"Shhhhh you will wake her" bow hissed,

"does it look like I care bow she's a horde soldier we need to take her in as our prisoner"

"NO you cant do that she left the horde glimmer, she left for me ok!"

"she could be here to spy on us" Bow whispered being respectful of sleeping Catra behind me unlike Glimmer who just doesn't care.

"I know her she wouldn't do that to me" I turned around looking back at Catra and smiling she really is beautiful.

"Ahem Adora"

"yeah yeah what" I said not really paying attention.

"why where you sleeping on her anyway" Bow asked looking confused

"we used to sleep together in the horde like that all the time and I just missed the way it felt I missed her so I did. It reminded me of all the good times we had together"

"we have had good times as well Adora plus she has tried to kill us multiple times"

"yeah but you tried to kill me when we first met what's the difference and plus I've known her my whole life"

"yeah but you changed and-" I cut her off

"so can Catra everyone can change" Glimmer went silent after I said that we just stood there in silence looking at Catra

"ok ok she can come back to the castle and stay in your room but no one other than us can know only until we can make sure Catra wont kill us and until I can persuade my mu- I mean the queen to let her stay"

"thank you thank you thank you your the best glimmer" I jumped into glimmers arms to thank her I knew she wouldn't upset me like that I guess I can get through to her hehe.

"now go pick her up and take her back to the castle remember to go through the back way aka your window" she said.

"I will"

"ok well were gonna go back well see you there and don't forget we have a meeting so don't miss it!!"

"Ok I wont I'll see you in there"I replied
I turn around towards Catra and scoop her up carrying her bridal style in my arms, I'm happy she's here with me I've missed her. only if she knew how I felt I wish things were different i don't wanna be just friends.....


I hope you liked this chapter it is quite a long one this time (960 words)
Love you all

Your such an idiot(A catradora fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें