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Adora's Pov:

"Adora its obvious when your sneaking out its half eight you never sleep at this time" Glimmer said
"I'm just really tiered that's all" I replied lying course I'm sneaking out I cant be stuck in the castle forever its boring I want some more excitement in my life ever since we won the fight against the horde I've had nothing to do.

"Well if your not gonna sneak out you wont mind if I stay in your room for the night" glimmer replied standing in front of me with her arms crossed. God she's good ugh why cant she just trust me for once just because I snuck out that one time and got kidnapped doesn't mean its gonna happen again.
"Glimmer why cant you just trust me ok......I was gonna go on a walk in the woods I haven't left the castle in weeks I need to stretch my legs and just clear my mind. I'm not gonna die if that's what you were thinking we stopped the horde remember I will be fine I know how to handle myself I'm she-ra for-gods sake ill take my sword if it makes you feel any better", I said letting out a sigh because that was a mouthful

"ok just please be safe and yes I want you to take your sword also take a tracker pad so just in case something bad happens I will know where you are....and be back before sun rise"
"sure thing Glim and tell bow just in case he wonders where I've gone" with saying that I walk into my room closing the door behind me.

I opened my balcony doors walking towards the edge and jumping down, of course I landed on my feet I have mastered it since I used to fall all the time.
I walked and walked I didn't even know where I was going I was just following where my feet were taking me.

(Mini Time Skip)

I was still walking singing along to the words to my favourite song until I heard a purr I rushed to hide behind a bush I decided to pop my head up and you'll never guess who I saw....


Of course she was here but why was she. she had her bag packed maybe she got kicked out what happened to her uhhh why should I care she made my life hell after I left.

Awh but she does look so cute when she sleeps she's so peaceful and when she purrs she's just so adorable god shut up Adora stop thinking like this your not supposed to feel this way about a horde soldier.

"Take a picture it lasts longer" I heard a voice say, I take out my sword getting ready turn into she-ra until she said

"Hey Adora~"
"I've missed you" what does she mean she's missed me she used to want to kill me!

"What are you doing out here and don't act like you've missed me I know that's all crap" I said frustrated

"Haha nice to see you too and I left the horde because I got fed up there and plus you weren't there anymore" awh maybe she does miss me.

"awh that's sweet I didn't think you cared about me" I blushed

"Its not because I like you Adora it was only because I had no one to compete against you were my only competition I could easily beat Kyle, Lonnie and Rogelio"

"wow of course" I rolled my eyes wow was it that hard to be nice for once I guess not.

"Come here" she said
"What why" next thing I knew she was pulling me into her arms, she was hugging me omg she was hugging me why am I'm panicking
"Why are you so tense it's just a hug I've missed the way you feel in my arms" she said blushing now I'm blushing god Adora  why do you feel like this.

We sat down on the grass I laid my head down on her lap and soon drifted off to sleep I'm pretty sure Catra did too I felt her purring Beneath me. She's so cute...


Helloooo I hope you enjoyed this chapter I really enjoyed writing this one I did it in the queue for Tesco's 😂 it was a big queue ✌🏻 hope yall are safe in quarantine

Your such an idiot(A catradora fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora