" It wasn't my men who tried to... Molest you. My men were those who saved you and took you the Hospital. But It was my fault that you were there. Zhan I... I am " Yibo regretted everything he did. His heart was clenching just to see the man in such state. It was unbearable to look at him & he was the reason behind the whole mess. If he would have talked to him before assuming anything ,the condition would have been different.
He bent down on his knees to hold Zhan but zhan stopped him.

"Leave me alone please..." Zhan pleaded.
Yibo stopped in the middle of touching him. He hesitantly stand up

" Zhan I was blinded by hatred. My brother is my everything my dad ,my mom, my friend. I was so much drown in anger that I didn't see the real truth. When I knew the Truth ,it was already late.... I am sorry" Yibo said he wanted to hug the man but he knew zhan doesn't want him so Silently he left the room against his will.
After Yibo left zhan broke down and sobbed loudly. It was paining his heart how the other was hurting him hating him. He didn't do something wrong so why God is always punishing him.
How terrified he was when Yibo forced him to sign that contract. He felt like his world was slipping from his hand. Now he learnt that it wasn't his fault. He didn't commit any mistake. He thought Yibo is friend but now he felt betrayed from all sides. Ziyi yibo everyone Lied to him.
Those events when Yibo was mocking him hurting him was repeatedly playing infront of his eyes. Why it is hurting him so much. If he had really done anything bad to him, he would not have suffered so much. But it hurts him terribly knowing that the one he consider as friend didn't trusted him enough. And the one whom he called friend Lied to him about her own identity.
Why he has to suffered this much...???

Zhan's entire body went numb ,he felt suffocating. he rested his head against the wall trying to breathe. He put his hand on his chest and tried to calm down but nothing is working.

On the other side Yibo was pouring a glass of water for zhan. It's been more than 20 minutes he left him alone. He was scared of facing him again but he need to take the responsibility of his wrong doing.
As he entered the room his heart dropped seeing Zhan in terrible condition. He put the glass in table beside the bed and run to zhan.
"Oh my God!! Zhannn!! " Yibo shouted.
"Shittt!!! Shit!!! Shittt" Yibo hugged Zhan putting zhan's head on his chest and stroking his back.
"Calm down Zhan.. it's okay. I am sorry. Please calm down. Breath slowly. I am here. I will take care of everything okay."
Yibo Panicked but he can not lost control in this situation.
Somehow Zhan's breathing become steady again.
"Yibo!! I am fine now." Zhan's voice was barely Auditable.
Yibo looses his grip.
"I am sorry. It was all my fault. Please don't be hard on yourself. I will take of everything I promise. You shouldn't have been in this mess. I will tell the truth to Uncle & brother. You will be free again okay. Please don't stress yourself. You can punish me hit me..." Yibo was blabbering nonstop he doesn't want zhan to panic again.
"I'll help You. " Zhan said without looking at Yibo. Yibo paused his mind went blank
"Hunhh..???" Yibo was surprised..
Did he hear this wrong.??
Seeing that yibo didn't get his words Zhan said again
"I help you. You don't need to rush anything. I am doing this because of Uncle and Kuan Ge." Zhan directly looked into Yibo's eyes who was still in shock. " But after that I don't want to see you again in this life. I hate you Yibo"
Zhan's words pierced through Yibo's heart.
'I hate you' ' I don't want to see you again'
Yibo felt his heart broken into thousand of pieces.
He had no idea what to do in this situation.
Yibo bit his lower lip tried to control him to burst out in tear. He inhaled a long breath...
"Thank you Zhan. I will clear this mess soon. And... And after that... You ... will never see me again. I...I am sorry. "

I don't know if I did good in describing their emotions.. arghhh... I am not so good in writing emotional scenes....
Hope you don't find this boring or too dramatic.

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