Prologue Part 2

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You and Rantaro enter the Game room to see a short man in a weird looking outfit. It didn't look bad, it just was... Out there.

"Sup. The name is Ryoma Hoshi. And the Ultimate Artist, is no more."

The two of you introduce yourselves and the Ryoma turns to you and says this

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The two of you introduce yourselves and the Ryoma turns to you and says this. "You got it lucky. You not need to be a role model or stick to one thing. You're just out there. And you can keep trying new things without being judged."

The two of you left and Ryoma went into the video room.

You two went upstairs back to the first floor and go into the dinning hall. Three girls were in there. You two went to the girl on your left.

"No!" She yelled. "If you degenerate come near me, I'll yell for help! And we'll kick the crap out of you!"

She introduced herself as Tenko Chabashira. "I," she yelled, "happen to be the ULTIMATE PIANIST! AND I DESPISE ALL OF YOU MALE DEGENERATES!"


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"Um..." You say. "Did you just disgender me? I'm non binary."

"No!" She said. "I'm talking about your friend!"

You were just happy she wasn't talking about you. You and Rantaro step away from her and look towards the girl working on a machine in on the table.

"Excuse me?" You ask. "What are you doing?"

She just didn't respond.

"Ummm... Hello?" You knock on her head a few times.

"I see I've been knock on." She said calmly. "Oh well, but it's not like I wanted to talk to you at the moment. I am working on something."

"Oh, umm..." You were just confused by her. "How about telling us your name?"

"My name?" She asked and the sighed. "My name is Tsumugi Shirogane. And I guess I'll have to explain this. But I am the Ultimate Inventor. I happen to invent some things that change the world and stuff. Anyways, back to you. Sorry, I just don't like talking very much. I'm very awkward. And so is this."

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