Le grande finale

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A/N- hey guys:) soo sorry to say this will be the final chapter:( i hope you enjoy reading it as much as i did writing it.



Faith's POV

*1 week later*

"I'm so glad to get out of here. it's like being in solitary confinement."

"I bet." My dad agreed.

We walked to the car in silence. it wasn't awkward though.i began to admire the scenery passing by as we drove away from the hospital. An hour passed by before i realized that we should've already been home.

"Hey dad?" I asked utterly confused.


"Where are we going? Were we going to go home?"

"About that..."


"I moved out and i figured that you'd much rather spend time with your awesome father than your abusive mother."

"Oh... well, did you at least get all of my stuff?"

"Yeah it's in my new apartment."



we sat in silence for a few more minutes. Enjoying some daddy-daughter time.

"Hey dad?"


"thanks. For getting me away. and everything else."

"anything for my little girl."

"Love you." I said as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Love you too."


I began to wake up to the smell of bacon. That was all I needed to get up. My eyes shot open and I practically jumped out of bed. I ran out of my room and to the bar/counter-thing that separated the kitchen from the living room.

"smells good." I said sitting down on a stool.

My dad laughed and handed me a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon.

"thanks!" I said happily as i sprinkled some salt and pepper over the eggs.

"Mhm." he leaned against the counter and ate his breakfast. As we were enjoying some small talk the phone rang and I pretty much jumped over the couch to answer it.

"Yellow jello."

"Hey. I have someone who wants to talks to you."

"Um.... Ohhkayy?"



"Hey, Faith, it's Kendall." he said. I literally almost dropped the phone.

"Oh! H-hey. What's cooking good-lookin'?" i said faster than i could think. I facepalmed myself. "I meant 'what's up'?" I corrected myself.

he laughed. "I was just wondering if you wanted to go out tonight?"

"I'd love to."

"Okay, cool.I'll pick you up aroung seven."

"Alright see ya then."


"Bye." i said hanging up the phone. i turned around to find my dad making faces at me. shaking my head, laughing, I walked nonchalantly back to my empty plate, picked it up and put it in the sink.

After I changed into my normal clothes, I grabbed my wallet and keys and walked out to my car.

Just to catch you up, Kendall and i are together. It is now one month since I was released from the hospital. Three weeks since I found out about Carlos and Isabel (Carsabel?). And exactly two weeks since Kendall asked me out. James helped him with that since we knew that we (James and I) didn't have a connection. We're really good friends now. My dad is perfectly fine with me dating a famous popstar, which is surprising. As for threats Kendall found out about it cuz James told him. He- being Kendall- took charge and had the texts and calls traced. The police traced them all the way back to my "mom".

Turns out that my real mom died about a year and a half ago in some sort of train wreck. This lady posing as my mom was some psycho crazy ex-girlfriend of James and Kendall's. So he had her arrested.

*2 years later*

It is now eight o' clock and I am on a date with Kendall at a very fancy restaurant. For some reason he's been actin weird the entire time. Like nervous almost. I just can't figure out why.

"You okay?" He asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Hm? Yeah. You?"


After another half hour of silent eating, he got up without a word and came around to my side of the table.

"May I have this dance?" He asked offering his hand. I took it and he led me to the dance floor.

We danced two songs. He was an excellent dancer might I add. As I thought we were done the band began to play our song(A/N- I didn't know a song to put sorry:( )

I looked at Kendall who was kneeling down on one knee in front of me. My hands flew to my mouth as I gasped.

"Faith, from the moment we first met, I knew you were the one for me," he began. "From that moment on I couldn't imagine living my life knowing you got away. My life without you is nothing compared to my life with you I love you and will always love you. So, Faith Amy Cooper, will you marry me?" And with that last question he pulled out a tiny black box. As he opened it my eyes began to water.

"Y-yes. Yes! A thousand times yes!" I held out my shaky left hand and he slid the ring on. He stood up and hugged me. We shared a passionate kiss while the whole restaurant applauded. After we broke we hugged once more both entering another world in happiness.

And the rest? Well, that's history. ;)



A/N- ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST!!! Lolol so sad to see yet another story end :( anyhoo I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know what you think.


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