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A/N- yo. haha. 1. i love you people for reading my story. you have no idea how much it means to me. 2. sorry bout making ch7 short. had writers block 3. enjoy the story



*Faith's POV*

I smiled as my phone vibrated notifying me of a new text message.

From: Kendall<3

Lol. I wish you were here. I miss you.

My stomach flipped. I giggled like a little girl getting tickled. I sent a reply and laid back on my bed.

I can't believe it's been three weeks since my birthday. The concert. Two since I was friend zoned by James. Me and Kendall have been texting back and forth for almost a week and a half. The boys and I have been hanging out. I know Carlos has been a bit chatty with Isa, and even though they don't want to admit it, I'm pretty sure Logan and Callie have a thing for each other. But only time will tell.

Right now I'm in my room at my house. I've been texting Kendall and James all day. James is being interviewed right now so I'm talking to Kendall.

Oh! Also, I've finally learned to control my fan girling. Surprising I know but after awhile the boys are just like regular friends to me; they stop being famous people, that one can only imagine spending a day with, and become your best guy friends. Granted I might freak out every once and a while but for the most part I can keep my cool when I'm around them.

A knock on my door pulled me out of my thoughts. I sighed and sat up.

"Come in!" I called to the door.

The door opened hesitantly. My mom's head poked in the door. I remained where I was. I put on my best poker face. She walked in. She looked.. Different. I tried to read the expression on her face but couldn't.


"Hello, mother." I greeted coldly as she shut the door.

My phone vibrated. I looked down at it. A text. I smiled as I opened it.

From <3James:

Hey babe. ;)

I replied a 'what's up' and put my phone down. As I was about to look up my head whipped to the right and my left cheek started to sting. I felt a tear roll down my face as I held the left side of my face.

"W-what.." Was all I managed to get out before I was shoved to the floor. I looked up at my mother with tears streaming down my face. She looked angered, for some reason. What the heck could she be angered about? With me even.

Without a word she began to kick me. She kicked my stomach making my back hit the nightstand. She kept kicking me as if I was some sort of.... thing to kick.

She paused for a moment. I ached all over. I made an effort to stand but failed. A cough raked my whole body. A drop of blood fell from my mouth and I gave in. I laid there on the floor next to my bed holding my stomach. I looked to where my mom was previously standing. She was gone.

It was then that I laid my head down and began to cry. After what seemed like mere minutes I passed out.


*Isa's POV*

"So, Isabell, how's your schoolwork coming?" My dad asked forking some Mexican rice in his mouth.

I opened my mouth to answer but my cell began to ring. I checked the caller ID. James.

"May I be excused? I need to take this." I asked.

He gave me the go ahead motion and continued on with his dinner. I got up and walked to the living room.

"Hey." I answered.

"Hello? Isabell? Is that you?" A frantic voice answered.

"Yeah, who's this?"

"It's James.-"

"And Kendall!"

"What's going on?"

"Well, you see.... What had happened was....-" James began, trying to find the right words.

"We need your help."

"What happened?"

"It's Carlos."

My heart sank.

"Hello? Hello? You still there?"

"Huh? Yeah I'm still here. What did you do?"

It was silent for awhile. Laughter burst through the phone.


I heard a third person laughing in the background and I immediately recognized it. I grew hot from embarrassment and hung up the phone with a huff.

About a minute later my cell began to ring again. This time it was Carlos. I hit the answer button and listened.

"Hey babe, look I'm sorry about that. I just wanted to let you know that it was all the boys fault."

I thought for a moment as the boys argued in the background.

"I'll make it up to you. I promise."

"Okay, I forgive you." I said.

"I said I forgive Carlos not you boys." I added after hearing whoops and hollers.

"Aw c'mon."

Carlos was laughing, "Okay, I'll talk to you later babe."

"Okay. Bye"

"Bye" he hung up.

'Those boys..' I thought to myself amused.


*James' POV*

Once I recovered from my laughing fit I checked my phone. Nothing.

'Dang.' I thought to myself. I am currently awaiting a text from Faith. As was Kendall.

"Anything?" He asked for the tenth time.

"No. You?" I retorted.

"Nada." He said glancing at Carlos.

He shook his head. Carlos was trying to teach us some Spanish but we never caught on.

I was getting desperate, well worried more like. I called her. After about five rings it went to voicemail. I didn't know what to say so I just hung up. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Kendall trying on his phone.

He hung up and looked at me worried. I shrugged an 'I have no idea what to do now.' We walked into the game room. Logan was playing modern warfare with some people online. Carlos quickly joined him. I walked over to the kitchen and looked for am something to snack on. Yeah, there's a kitchen in the game room. Very convenient for us. We practically live in the game room. It had a medium length couch, two bean bags, a ps3, an Xbox, a wii, a computer, all four of our laptops, a refrigerator stocked full of food, four cabinets full of snacks- one for each if us-, a stove, an oven, and finally this room has a bathroom.

Back to the situation, Kendall and I have been texting her for weeks. The most awkward part about it is: we both really really like her. I mean who wouldn't se was absolutely stunning. She's five foot three, she had elbow length wavy light brown hair, Caribbean blue eyes, pale skin, and soft-looking pink lips. She's just.... perfect. Unfortunately for me, Kendall feels the same way about her.

Today is a good day. Well, except for Faith not answering her phone. She is probably busy. I won't stress too much about it. I'll text her later to tonight after the show.


A/N- what do you think?? Let me know if you think it's ever like all over the place. I might try to plan the next chapter. I hope you liked it. Well except for faiths part today. Lemme know!!! :)


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