Start from the beginning

We were sitting there for a few more minutes, and I was starting to get anxious about the pitch black sky.

Usually, Mike would be with me when I was scared, but he's not. I wonder what he's doing right now. Hopefully not something as stupid as this.

A growl pulls me out of my thoughts, and I whip myself off the floor, going over and peering through the window like Steve and Dustin were.

"You see him?" Dustin asks.

"No." Steve and I chorus.

"Lucas, what's going on?" Dustin shouts up to the boy.

"Hold on!" Lucas yells back. After a moment, his voice returns, "I've got eyes! Ten o'clock! T-Ten o'clock!"

"There." Steve points. I train my eyes to where he pointed, seeing a dog-like figure lurking out in the fog. That's gotta be it.

"What's he doing?" Dustin questions.

"I don't know." Steve answers.

"Does he see the bait?" I quiz.

"I-I think," Steve stutters, "Wait. He's not taking the bait. Why is he not taking the bait?"

"Maybe he's not hungry." Dustin suggests.

"Maybe he's sick of cow." Steve claims, pulling away from the window. Dustin and I stare at him for a moment, watching as he takes a deep breath, before walking towards the bus doors, picking up his bat on his way.

"Steve? Steve, what are you doing? Steve?" Dustin asks.

"Are you thinking about going out there?" I question, incredulous, "Because if you are, then stop."

Steve sighs, tossing his lighter to Dustin, "Just get ready."

The door creaks open, and Steve takes slow steps out, Dustin shutting the door behind him before we both gather at the window.

Steve advances towards the baby Demogorgan, whistling at it and swinging his bat lightly, "Come on, buddy."

Someone comes down the ladder behind us, asking, "What's he doing?"

"Expanding the menu." Dustin states in awe.

Steve now stood only a few feet away from it, the body only barely visible through the fog.

"He's insane." Max shakes her head.

"He's awesome." Dustin corrects, smiling at the brave teen.

"Definitely," I agree, watching as Steve swings his bat again, trying to get Dart's attention. It felt like all of us were holding our breaths, and we were. Scared of this going wrong. In the corner of my eye, I see a shadow, "Guys, what the hell is that?"

We lean in to get a closer look, when Lucas screams, "Steve, watch out!"

"I'm a little busy here!" Steve shouts back, never taking his eyes off of the demogorgan.

"Three o'clock! Three o'clock!" Lucas warns.

It was then we all realized the shadow was another demogorgan, and soon another appeared, jumping on one of the old cars.

"Steve!" Dustin shouts, rushing over towards the doors and whipping them open, "Steve! Abort! Abort!"

One of the monsters growl, speeding towards Steve, but he dives out of the way, rolling over the hood of a car.

Another one charges at him, but he whacks it with his bat, sending it flying back.

We were all screaming and shouting at Steve as he runs for his life, the Demogorgan's right behind him.

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