"We're going to be late if that Seokjin would hurry up!" Taehyung groans

"I agree with the alien head, it's taking too long!" Yoongi sighed.

"He's always late hyung, when is he not?" Jungkook said not looking at anyone.

"I'm sorry guys! I needed to change my outfit, cause the zipper--"

"Enough just get in!" Taehyung said, "Let's go!"

"What's with the dude?" Seokjin whispered to Namjoon

"Idk, but he's a friend of Hoseok."

"He has anger issues.."

"I don't have anger issues!!" Taehyung yelled making the others chuckle "I'm just anxious about meeting Jimin..."

"Anxious to see that boy? Who is faceless" Jungkook mocked "aren't you guys curious? First, when I met his brother he gave me a house tour, and your so-called Jimin's photo is draped with white cloth/sheets. Second, nobody goes on the second floor unless your one of the Park's, Third! What if he's not really good looking like what the news said, we're just wasting time!" Jungkook snapped making everyone quiet.

"I know he's beautiful..." Taehyung said, staying positive.

"You don't know that, Nobody knows what he looks like," Jungkook said irritated

"You don't know him, so shut the hell up"

The whole ride was quiet since.


They have arrived and all eyes we're on them, cause they look like hot millionaires.

They have arrived and all eyes we're on them, cause they look like hot millionaires

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Namjoon's outfit ^

Namjoon's outfit ^

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