°•.The End of Time°•.

Start from the beginning

We ordered our coffee and waited for the delightful beverage to reach us. Suddenly, an agonising alarm went off and I quickly covered my ears with my hands, as did the rest of the people.

I shot up from my chair and ran outside the shop, hearing the distant yelling of my worried friends. As I reached outside my eyes went wide with horror, Hawkmoth stood with a menacing look of triumph on his face. His cane was held out, shooting people with purple bubbles that made them fall to the ground as if knocked unconscious.


I ran quickly, stumbling over into a dark alley far from Hawkmoths wrath. I opened my purse and Tikki zipped out in an instant. "I have a bad feeling about this..." She whispered, frightened. "Don't worry, we'll solve this mishap like always. Tikki, spots on!"

I was consumed in soft red light, my costume wrapping itself around me, turning myself into my alter ego aka the heroine of Paris, Ladybug.

I unbuckled my yoyo from my hip and swang out the alley, landing on the rooftops of Paris. I ran and leapt from one house to another, noiselessly making my way towards Hawkmoth and the chaos he created.

"Bonjour, m'lady."

"Cat Noir."

We both ran side by side, discussing what to do. "My best guess would be is the Akuma is inside his cane." I murmured as we sat hunched on a roof near Hawkmoth. "Wait, so Hawkmoth can akumatize himself?" He asked incredulously. "Now you put it that way, I'm not sure." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Though, one way or another, we have to do something with that cane of his. Whether it contains an Akuma or not. It's the thing where all the bubbly foam magic thingy is coming out from and making people drop dead."

We momentarily gazed out on the streets of Paris that were littered with lifeless bodies, "Let's just hope they're unconscious and not actually dead. That would be paw-ful." My partner mumbled, a hint of sadness laced in his voice. "Okay, action time. Let's get this catfight over with."

We leapt into action, Cat Noir working with his distractions by teasing Hawkmoth and all that such; I forming a plan in my head as I tried to get my hands on the purple cane of his.

He was really strong and hard to conquer and defeat, Cat Noir non-stop working on earning his attention while I fighting Hawkmoth. This guy can really multitask.

I groaned in annoyance. "Stupid Hawkmoth." But of course, I was the stupid one here. With that millisecond of distraction, Hawkmoth took advantage and zapped his cane towards me, the purple foam-like thing rushing towards me.

As if time slowed down, I saw the blinding purple light zap towards me. Cat Noir screaming my name- my alter ego name in worry as it flew towards me. I commanded my legs to move but they wouldn't budge, not even the slightest as if they weighed a ton.

I met Hawkmoths endless glare looking me dead in the eye. But confusion overlapped my panicked thoughts as I saw sadness and worry flash through his dead eyes.

And then time went back. Knocking me over as if I had just received a blow to the gut, the magic reaching my body. I fell, my body hitting the cement floor but no pain afterwards. Just a dull throbbing at the back of my head as I closed my eyes and went into blissful unconsciousness.

Heyyyy! Look who's baaacckkkkk! So for some odd reason, I decided to come up with my own one-shot miraculous reveal and I ended up writing this heap of words. Might not be the best miraculous reveal idea or so original but hey, at least I gave you an update (after God knows how long)...

Okay so I apparently got tagged by MarinetteAgreste22 (she's an awesome gal, go check out her profile!), and I decided to post my tag here because why not?

You don't have to go through this a/n (and i doubt any of you are) so u can just skip this part if u want.

(this is my first time getting tagged so don't judge if I get stuff wrong :])

Okay, so numero 1 - What is your favourite food? Jeez, this is one of the hardest questions I've been asked. You know why? Because I simply can't decide. Well your answer to this question, anything made by my Mum or Dad :]

Number 2 - What was your first fandom? Well, if you know me well (which I think not) you would obviously know my first fandom was the Miraculous Fandom. #MLBforlife

No. 3 - What is your favourite song? Oof, I have so many and they change all the time. Well for starters, I love listening to any Lofi version of songs (I used to love nightcore). I love Hasley, TheFatRat, Billie, Cairo and loads more artists. Uhm...
I love Arctic Monkeys (505), Ashniko (daisy) and ESPECIALLY ANIME OP's.

4# - What's your favourite movie? Ah damn, another question which I don't know the answer of- so I'll keep this very vague. I am in love with Disney movies and have watched every single one. (oop-) I love sci-fi and action genres. I ADORE comedy ;)
update: I think my favourite movie would be 'Alita'.

Number 5 - Favourite Book? Well for most people (I guess...) this would be a hard question to answer but for me, it's kinda simple. My favourite series/chronicle/whatever you call it is the Medoran Chronicles by Lynette Noni. I've reread all the books in the series at least 5 times. My favourite book in the series, however, would be... the first, Akarnae. Or the third, Gravaele? How about Draekora?! Or Vardaesia?! (sorry Raelia) Idk, I love all the books in the amazing series
Update: I have decided it's actually very hard to choose what my favourite book is.

Numero Six - What are your crush's (might change over time) initials? *Gulp* Uhm... DO we REALLY HAVE to do this? *tugs neck collar nervously* Uhhh... Well i use to have a crush on Harry Styles, and then it changed to Tom Felton. Now that I watch anime, all my crushes are 2D people (SiMp alERt), and also Tom Hiddleston and Benedict Cumberbatch.

No. 7 - Describe yourself - Getting purr-sonal, are we? Well, I'll just give you guys the (physical) basics: Hazel eyes, brown hair, 5'3.
I'm really bio polar so one second I can be the most boring person on earth and suddenly I can be high on crack so...

8 - What sports do you play/do? Well, I play volleyball and I learnt Football/Soccer for a few years. I also do athletic swimming and currently I'm doing karate.

9 - What is your current battery percentage? - Ninety-eight Purr-cent (98)

And lastly, Number 10 - What is one of your fears? Uhm, being alone. OH AND COCKROACHES, I SWEAR ONE DAY THEY WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD AND ATTACK HUMANS WITH LASER EYES AND- okay, you get the point.

Well, that's me getting tagged and spilling personal info in this book. I hope you guys liked this chapter, there is some major action coming up! Until next time,

~Bug Out

P.S. Oops. I accidentally left you guys on a cliffhanger. I'm totally sorry about that.

P.P.S. I speak fluent sarcasm. 😏

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