five [⭐️] alya: the unltimate winggirl

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Date Credit: @Olive_Wolf9,@annmariyamartin, and @miraculous_nerd399

Marinette's POV

"The two love birds just can't seem to have a normal conversation, can they~?" Plagg teases, flying out of cover.

I stay silent.

Plagg flies towards me lazily. "Oh come on, kid! I'm sure that everything will be fine in the end. You'll finally admit that you have feelings for Mister Bug and then-"

A tear falls down my cheek. "I don't, Plagg. I do not. I don't have feelings for Mister Bug, or Chat Noir, or whatever he goes by."

Plagg freezes in mid air with his eyes wide open. "But..."

"I can't fall in love with Mister Bug!" I cry, squeezing my pillow to my chest. "My heart belongs to Adrien!"

Expecting Plagg to make a charming comeback or a snarky response, I'm shocked when I find his silence is all that greets me.

I shut my eyes tight. "If Adrien wasn't here... maybe things would be different..."

I look down at my phone resting in my hands. It's a text from Mister Bug, informing me that he won't be able to meet me tonight, and that he's terribly sorry. I don't mind. It's not like I would be able to see him and look into his eyes after tonight.

"I'm... I'm going to go to bed now..." I mumble, looking out my window.

"Are... are you in denial?"

I inhale sharply, and slightly exhale, blinking back tears.

"You know that I'll always be here for you, right?"

I look up and at the tiny black kwami, surprised at his sensitive side.

"I know that you're not my true owner or whatever, but I'll still be here if you ever need to talk," Plagg quietly comforts. "I may be selfish at times, and I may stink like cheese, but I will always be here for you, kid. Whether your Lady Noir or Ladybug."

I simply smile in return.

Plagg flies up to me and gives me a slight smirk. "I've been around for a long time, you know. Once you've been alive for more that 5,000 years, you start to learn a thing or two."

I grin. "Thanks Plagg. I... I really needed that."

"Anytime kitten, anytime," He quietly replies, but then quickly changes his mood. "B-But don't go around thinking I'll continue saying that sappy stuff!"

I giggle. "I won't. Now turn out the lights, I'm tired!"

Adrien's POV

I sit silently in class as the morning sun beams through the classroom windows. I tap my pencil on my desk as the teacher babbles on with some geography lesson. This stuff has always come easy to me thanks to Father's strict lessons, but easy doesn't mean entertaining.

My ears pick up quiet deep breathing behind me. I look over my shoulder and find a smile crawling on my face when I realize that Marinette has fallen asleep on her desk again. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who finds this lesson boring.

She noticed how I styled my hair differently this morning before class started. She pointed out how instead of brushing it up like I usually do, I brushed it slightly downward. Not as messy as Chat Noir's hair style, so nobody recognized me, but still, not my usual hair cut. The reason I did this was because of the earrings.

In fact, when I de-transformed yesterday after seeing Marinette, I found out that the nasty root-like dark magic had grown even more. The dark black lines grew about an inch longer, with some lines even reaching the edge of my cheek on my face. Obviously my classmates would freak out if they find out, so I brushed my hair differently to hide my ears and the edges of my cheeks.

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