Chelia: "When we catch her, she's going in the dungeon..."

Romeo: "Chelia, please tell me you're not serious"

Chelia: "She lied to me"

Romeo: "Because she didn't want you to be sad"

Chelia: "But now I'm even more sad. If she'd just told me earlier, we could've gotten through this together"

Romeo: "What you said really hurt her"

Chelia: "But I meant every word..."

Chelia stood up.

Chelia: "Romeo, can you please tell the servants to get my bath ready?"

Romeo: "Right away"

Romeo left the room, leaving Chelia in complete silence.

Chelia: "I had every right to yell at Wendy and send her away. So why.... why am I feeling this way...!"

30 minutes later

Chelia: "Ah~...."

Chelia relaxed in her bathhouse, which was now the Queen's bathhouse. It was twice as big and the water was always the right temperature.

Chelia: "This water is so nice"

She looked up at the ceiling and rested her head on the head rest at the edge of the bath.

Chelia: "Why... why is all of this happening..."

Chelia's eyes got red and she started crying.

Chelia: "Everything was perfect a month ago, I had a happy life to look forward to. Now it's either fight or be executed. I... I can't do this... I can't do this alone..."

She looked at her reflection in the water. She saw how horrible she looked. She'd barely taken care of herself. She's barley eaten and hasn't bathed much. Her hair was a mess. Suddenly, she saw Wendy's face form in the reflection. Chelia quickly turned around, but nothing was there.

Chelia: "I can't keep blaming Wendy forever. It's mostly my fault... I'm the one who yelled at her. I went too far"

Chelia got up and dried off. Later that night, she got dressed in her commoner clothes and snuck out of the castle.

Chelia: "No matter what, I'm going to find her. I have to make up with her"

For most of the night, Chelia wondered through the town, trying to find any trace of Wendy. She'd gone to the place where she first found Wendy. Once she was there, the memories flowed back into her mind. Wendy being beat up by the guards, Chelia jumping in to protect her, taking Wendy in. God... how did it all go wrong.

Chelia: "There has to be something"

Chelia then felt a slight breeze. It felt somewhat familiar. She looked up and saw someone leaping from rooftop to rooftop, with wind boosting them into the air after each leap. Before she could get away, Chelia quickly ran after her. After a few minutes of running, Chelia found herself and a small, rundown house, if you could even call it that. There was no windows or doors, the walls looked like they would cave in at any second.

Chelia: "Don't tell me..."

Chelia stepped inside and started looking around. There was barely anything in the house. However something caught her eye. In a small room, there was a wooden cross on the wall. On the floor right beneath it, were a few dead flowers. On the cross, was the name "Carla". Chelia had no idea who that was, but she guessed it was someone Wendy knew.

???: "What are you doing here?"

Chelia quickly turned around and saw Wendy standing a few feet behind her. Wendy looked even worse than Chelia did. Wendy's clothes were dusty and torn. Her body and hair were dirty. She also had multiple bruises on her arms, face, and legs. Wendy's face barley showed any emotion.

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