Chapter 32

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Clary's POV

Jace was stressed. He wouldn't even talk to Clary since Alec and Magnus went missing yesterday afternoon. She was pretty sure he hadn't slept, either. 

Lorenzo had said Magnus was dead. But she didn't believe that son of a cold corndog for a second. And hopefully, no one else believed him either. 

Jace stalked past her, and she grabbed his arm. 

"What, Clary?!" He yelled at her.

"Go to bed."


"Think about it. Alec didn't sleep when Magnus was in that coma and remember what happened to him?"

"Can you stop comparing everything to Alec?"

Clary sighed. "Can you stop wanting to repeat his mistakes?"

"Fair enough. But I'm fine, Clary, really. And don't you dare tell me that was what Alec said because I already know that." And on that happy note, he slammed the door of his bedroom in her face, locking it behind him. 

Clary rolled her eyes. 

"What am I even going to do with him?" She said to no one in particular. 

Clary continued down the hallway, looking for Isabelle. She found her in the op center, scanning all of the waterways she could, looking for any sign of Alec or Magnus. 

"Hey, Clary." She said when Clary walked up behind her. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to see how you were doing. Jace isn't taking this too well."

"Jace is an emotional train wreck when it comes to Alec." 

"Yeah, I kind of figured that over the last few months."

Isabelle chuckled, still not looking away from the screen. 

After a while, Clary spoke again. "Do you think Magnus is dead?"

Isabelle thought about it for a hot second before shaking her head. "No. He wouldn't give up that easily. Besides, he has his magic. I'm sure wherever they are, they're fine. He probably made a boat pop into existence or something."

Clary frowned. "That's exactly why Lorenzo might be right."

Isabelle looked away from the screen, giving her a quizzical look. "What do you mean?"

"Magnus's magic. If he was fine, wouldn't he have just portaled Alec and himself back to the Institute?"

"Oh," Suddenly Isabelle's facial expression was one of worry. "Yeah. Maybe he's looking for Alec or something?"

Clary shook her head. "I don't even know anymore."

Magnus's POV

Every single time he closed his eyes, horrible images appeared. All of them had something to do with Alec. 

Alec held him close, running his fingers through his hair. He felt so much safer in Alec's arms. All of the dangers of the world just seemed to melt away. The night had passed, and according to the position of the sun, it was around midday. The sun was bright and hot. In the morning, it had been a blessing after the cold of the night. But now he was dying for a sip of water. Alec must have been thinking the same thing. 

"Let's look around. See if there's a river or something we could drink from." Magnus nodded, standing up. Alec swung his bow over his shoulder. His quiver was empty, but it was probably a habit for him to carry it everywhere he went. At least they could whack whatever they had to with the bow. It was metal, which means it could do some damage. 

Magnus smiled as Alec's hand found it's way into his as they walked inland. There were trees past the sand, the grass was up to their hips in some places. They walked and walked until they stepped out of the trees and onto the sand once again. They were on the other side of the island. 

Magnus slapped at the gnats that swarmed around his head, biting every possible piece of skin they could. 

"Do you hear that?" Alec asked. 

Magnus listened for a second. "Hear what?"

Then Alec was running. 

"Alexander, wait!" He shouted, running after him. He jumped over a fallen tree, almost tripped over a snake, and fell in a shallow dirt pit before he caught up to Alec. He was standing at the edge of a small river with crystal clear water. 

"Woah," Alec mumbled, putting his hand in the water. 

He was a city boy, so Magnus figured the clearest water he had ever seen came out of the shower. 

Magnus also put his hand in the water. It was cold. Way colder than he would have thought. 

 "Is it drinkable?" Alec asked. 

Magnus shrugged. "Only one way to find out."

Magnus cupped his hands, filling them up with the water. He took a sip, the cold water filling his mouth. He felt better instantly. 

Alec was also drinking water from his own hands. 

And by the Angel did he look good doing it. 

Magnus shook his head, looking away from his boyfriend.  

After drinking as much water as they possibly could, they began the long walk back to their little camping sight. Once they sat down on the log once again, Magnus sighed. He looked at Alexander, who was staring out to sea. He hadn't said a word the whole way back, even though Magnus had tried to get him too. He had simply ignored every question Magnus had asked. So, obviously, he was going to ask another question.

"Alexander, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," Alec replied plainly. His mind seemed to be somewhere else. 

Magnus put his hand on Alec's cheek, turning his head towards him. Alec averted his eyes from Magnus's, looking at literally anything except him. 

Magnus cupped his cheek in his hand, trying to get the Shadowhunter to look at him. 

"Alec?" He asked. His gorgeous hazel eyes were faded, his face slightly sunburned from the sun. Even his hair seemed to be losing its color. "Hey, are you okay?"

Alec nodded, still not looking at him. 

Magnus ran his fingers through Alec's hair. 

"I feel...weird." He said, staring at the waves. 

"What type of weird?"

"I don't know. Just weird." He replied. 

Now Magnus was worried. "Maybe drinking that water was a bad idea..."

"Magnus..." Alec started, but then he stopped. 

The sand around him started to flare up, turning into a whirlwind. Magnus raised his hand to his forehead, trying to prevent the sand from getting into his eyes. He reached through it, trying to find Alexander. He couldn't feel anything but the sand. 

Suddenly, it all fell to the ground like nothing had happened. 

Alec put his hand to his forehead, leaning against Magnus. 

"We have to get off this island."

"Why? What happened?"

"Seelies. It's an ancient Seelie island where they used to live before the Seelie realm. We need to leave. Now."

Hey. This is to make up for the day I didn't update. Also, sorry about that 'son of a cold corndog' thing. My younger cousin (she's eight) was reading what I was typing so I kinda had to make this chapter kid-friendly. But I think she went to bed now. It's 23:30. So yeah. Or 11:30, however y'all say it. So anyway, hope you liked this chapter, thanks for reading, love y'all, bye. 


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