Chapter 40

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  Back on board the Revenge the group told the rest of the squad of the conditions aboard the Sha'agran ship caused by their  struggle against the Ruchkitay menace. The Sha'agrans valiant fight had become a struggle to just survive. Using hit and run tactics had proven ineffective against the Ruchkitay since they didn't have many weapons that could hurt them. As the rest of squad heard the tale they too were angered.

  "I don't want or really believe in genocide," Krystal said " but the suffering the Ruchkitay inflict must stop. If that means total extermination, so be it."

  Every member of the squad nodded in agreement, their faces showing an angry determination to do whatever needed to be done to win back every world taken that still had living citizens in the fleet.

  The rest of the day was spent reviewing the the plan of attack and keeping watch on the conditions on the ground while Caguan discussed the fleets offer with his people. At this point T'ilvesh and Cory left for the bridge to discuss how to proceed with the attack.

  "We can't take the Sha'agran ship into battle yet," T'ilvesh said "it's in too bad of shape and we can't wait to commence the reclamation much longer either."

  "I agree," Cory stated "but how are you going to stop Caguan and his people from taking it there?"

  "I'm hoping they'll join us." 'Vesh replied "The addition of the ablebodied Sha'agrans would definitely tip the battle in our favor. I need a drink after seeing all that."

  "I'll buy." Cory said in agreement.

  Going into the ready room they each got a drink from the dispenser and sat at the table.

  "What is that?" Cory asked.

  "Tefoy, it's made from a mixture of roots and grains." the Commander told him "Much like your tequila in flavor."

  "I'll have to try it, sometime." Cory said.

  The two sat in silence, sipping from their drinks occasionally. Both felt anxious, the waiting being the worst part of it all. Remembering the sights on the Sha'agran ship made it that much worse. Both hoped the discussion would be brief and the outcome positive. Time seemed to drag as the waiting continued.

  After a couple of hours had passed Cory left to go to his quarters and clean up. Walking slowly, he was thinking  of how to proceed if the offer was refused. If Caguan took their ship into the fight following the hit and run strategy his losses would be staggering. He hoped that wouldn't happen.


    Later, Cory made his way to the hanger bay where he busied himself going over his fighter. By keeping busy he had hoped to put the Sha'agran matter out of his mind, unfortunately it wasn't working. After an hour he left the hanger and went back to the bridge. When he got there he found Krystal in command.

  "Where's the Commander?" he asked as he approached her.

  "In the ready room." She answered "Debriefing Surn. I'm supposed to tell you to wait."

  "OK," He acknowledged "any news from the Sha'agran ship?"

  "Nothing, yet." Krystal sounded disappointed as she answered.

  "Cory," T'ilvesh said as he came onto the bridge "Get the squad together, then come to the ready room. You all need to hear this."

  "Yes, Sir." Cory responded, turning to go.

  Just then everyone else showed up.

  "We heard Surni's back." Rufe stated "We came to see if she's alright."

  "A bit shaken but alright." T'ilvesh said "Come on, she's waiting in the ready room."

   The squad filed in, taking seats around the table. Rufe and Hawk on either side of Surni.

  Surni stood and addressed the rest of those around her "The condition of those aboard the Sha'agran ship are beyond pitiful. Rampant illness, malnutrition and a lack of proper medical care has left many unable to work on even the simplest tasks. It will be months before they'll be ready to fight."

  "What about the healthy?" T'ilvesh asked "Are there any  available?"

  "A few hundred thousand out of a population of three million." Surni replied "About ten percent, maybe a little less. They all want to fight, though. Their spirit remains strong."

  "Their 'spirit' won't beat the Ruchki's." Hawk said "It will get them killed, if they decide to fight anyway."

  "Caguan and the healthy warriors agree." Surni said "Although they're still debating on joining us."The fleet medical staff want to take the Sha'agran ship back to the civilian section of our group."

  "How long..." T'ilvesh started to question when Shree interrupted.

  "The leader of the Sha'agran ship wants to talk to you." she told him

  "OK," T'ilvesh replied as they all stood to go to the bridge with him.

  On the bridge, T'ilvesh put Caguan on the large screen so all could hear what Caguan had to say.

  "We have decided to join you," Caguan announced "But how will we get our people home if you take the ship when the fight is over?"

  "Your ship is yours," the Commander reassured him "You can take the ship when your people want. However, if the healthy decide to stay with us, we will repair your ship and train your people how to use the weapons that kill Ruchkitays."

  "When can we start training?" Caguan asked.

  "As soon as we come get you." Cory stated "I'll leave now, be there soon."

  There were smiles all around, their strength just got a big boost.

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