Chapter 4

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A/N: Thank you for reading this far. Feel free to leave comments. Any tips or suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Cory was still in awe as he watched the Earth fall away as the sleek little ship left the atmosphere. As the ship kept climbing the sky turned black and the stars shone brighter than he had ever seen. Being curious he stared out into space trying to see their destination.

   "If you're trying to find the Cruiser I have to tell you it's cloaked to keep from being detected by your world." Krystal told him " Do you believe me now?

  Cory admitted he had been wrong as they shot forward. Even though he was scared of what lie ahead, he was absolutely thrilled that Krystal hadn't been lying to him.

  "So where do we meet ?' Cory inquired, still trying to spot the Cruiser they were headed to.

  "Behind the small planetoid ahead of us, so hold on." She replied as she pushed the throttle ahead.

  Cory's mouth spread into a wide smile as the sleek little ship shot forward at an amazing speed and within a few minutes was hurtling past the moon and into its shadow. His eyes grew wide as the cruiser appeared in front of them as its cloak fell.

  The cruiser was huge. As far as he could tell he thought it was the size of 200 aircraft carriers back on Earth but that was just what he could see from the angle they were coming from. In actuality the craft was quite a bit more than twice that size.

  He held his breath as Krystal reversed thrust and slowed to a more careful speed as they approached the landing bay. Upon entering the bay Cory's eyes never stopped moving trying to memorize everything he saw. He also knew if he said a word about his adventure he would be committed to a mental ward for the rest of his life.

  "I have to tell you there are many different species on board as we are a conglomeration of many different planets and galaxies. Most are like us with two legs and such but many are very different. Try not to let them scare you. And try not to stare, for some of the species that's a challenge to fight." Krystal informed him to stave off problems before they started.

  "I'll try but sometimes curiosity makes you study the subject, hence staring." Cory explained "Maybe, you could inform those beings I'm not trying to be rude or confrontational, merely curious."        

   "That's a good idea, I will inform those affected and hopefully avoid any problems. Until you have your own translator unit." Krystal said "Now let's get out and go see The Commander."

  Opening the cockpit Krystal and Cory climbed out and started their hike through the passages of the ship. As they walked Cory's eyes were looking everywhere taking in all the different species they came across. Cory saw that although most were somewhat humanoid there were a few that most definitely were not, though he knew that if they were here they were intelligent creatures. He was hoping to make some friends here.

   "How many can speak English?" Cory asked wondering how he would be able to communicate with all the different races and beings he had seen so far.

  "We have to stop by supplies and get you a translator." Krystal answered pulling Cory along by the hand. Cory was almost giddy as the current of energy coursed through him at her touch. He was happy to be led as long as she held his hand "Let's get going, the Commander can speak English and he wants to see you now. We'll stop on our way back and pick one up."

 Soon they were at the entrance hatch to the command center and Krystal announced their presence while Cory stood beside her looking around the huge area that comprised the Command Center. Directly ahead of him was a large window or so it seemed as the screen showed the space directly in front of the cruiser. To his left a team of people were watching screens as operational information was displayed. To his right was what looked like weapon controls and firing center. Just parallel to his right shoulder an open door was The Commanders office and ready room, where all reports from the officers on deck were sent.

Recruit: Book One of the Universal Conflict ( Under Constant Editing)Where stories live. Discover now