"Can I ask you something?" Treading carefully, assuming that there was a reason that I didn't know about the topic of the fight yet.  She finally turned her head to me, locking our eyes, I could fully see and take in the tiredness that filled her. There was a layer of exhaustion that I knew one nights of good sleep wouldn't get rid of. Yet on the surface her eyes were glossed over with a soft look, like she was content but unsatisfied. As if she had only found a momentary solution to her problems.


"What was the fight about with your mom, the first time you left for a few weeks." I laid there nervously, feeling my still damp hair wet the blanket under me. Her stare seemed to harden, she looked at me as if studying me tilting her head to the side ever so slightly. She eventually broke our staring contest residing her gaze back onto the ceiling.

" She had suggested that I stay away from you, especially since I was so 'vulnerable' and easy to manipulate." She said while releasing a deep breath.

"So essentially the same thing as this time?"

"Pretty much." I only nodded at her answer, not bothering to hide the way my eyebrows furrowed together. I never knew her mom had such a distaste for me, I had grown up my whole life in her house her mom was always nice to me. Was it all fake? I knew that she wasn't the best person ever but what if she was right? I mean Dinah has been spending all of her free time with me and she hasn't gotten better at all. Maybe she would be better away form me.

" Maybe, your mom was right." I muttered, the doubt slowly growing inside of me and my thoughts and insecurities bounced into each other.

Then I felt it.

Her hand sliding into mine, was like a bright light bursting through the darkness that had started to encompass me. She had taken me by the hand flashing her signature smile, and swept me away from the dangers of the dark. Why was it so easy for her to save me, yet I couldn't do the same?

"Here turn over." She said sitting up going crisscrossed, she tapped my thigh expectantly. Unsure of what she was doing but trusting her I flipped myself over so I was on my stomach, wincing once again at the small pain that flared up my back. 

I heard her get up before gently straddling my legs, I small gasp escaped me as I felt her slowly lift up  my shirt pushing it over my shoulders, her fingers trailed their way back down my back pausing at my bra. She flirted around the strap before carefully unhooking it letting it fall at my sides. I felt a shiver run through me as her fingers continued grazing down my back her finger nails raking with just the right amount of pressure to drive me crazy.

She leaned over toward my nightstand to grab something. A moment later I felt a cool substance being poured onto my back. The familiar scent of my lavendar vanilla lotion filled my nose.

"I told you I'd give you a massage didnt I?" She used the palm of her hand to spread the lotion everywhere running in along the sides and down the middle of my bag. She paused going slower and lighter getting to the area that had started to bruise.

I winced slightly as her hand treaded over the area carefully. She returned her hands to the center of my back and began a relaxing pattern of going up and down.

My eyes began to droop as I started to fall victim to the hyponotysing push and pull of her hands, it felt like waves lightly washing against my back.

Stirring awake I sat up in bed. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness I noticed that the window was closed.

Where was Dinah?

As if she could hear my thoughts my door was opened and she came waltzing in pausing mid bite of her sandwich when she noticed I was awake.

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