"Here. Put it in your phone cases, they can be matching!" Yuqi's father cheered, while Minnie blushed madly, and Yuqi looked like she would kill him.

"The limo is here. Shall we have some fun?" Mr. Yontararak came back, just in time. The two girls followed their fathers in the limo, while Minnie sneakily managed to intertwine her hand with Yuqi's, who was quite surprised, pleasantly.

They arrived at the grand hotel, which managed to take Yuqi's breath away.

"Holy shit. This is nothing like I imagined it to be." Yuqi breathed out, mesmerized, while Minnie laughed, based off of Yuqi's meme face.

"Welcome to the business life. First step, testing out the bounciness of our beds. If we can't jump on them, this hotel will be receiving a bad review on Yelp from yours truly." Minnie joked, while Yuqi snickered.

"Good thing, since you two will be sharing a room. I was supposed to tell you earlier, but I forgot." Minnie's father budded in, while Mr. Song gave Yuqi a thumbs up from behind him.

"We-we're sharing a room?!" Minnie stuttered, while Yuqi's face blanked.

"Yes. Is that a problem?" Mr. Yontararak asked, glaring at his only daughter.

"No-I-of course not." Minnie dismissed, and her signature blush was back.

"I think I've hit the jackpot here." Yuqi thought, a dazed smile never leaving her face, while Minnie took it upon herself to show the other girl around.

Minnie and Yuqi, after a long tour, arrived at their room, where they had about 20 minutes or so to spare before the event started.

Minnie grabbed the key, scanning it, before the lock clicked, and the door opened, allowing the two to walk into their exclusive (soundproof lol) penthouse suite.

"Holy shit!" Yuqi exclaimed, vocalizing her excitement, while running over to the fancy hotel towels, with the fat H engraved into them.

"Make sure you grab the soap, too. Free fancy shit is always nice, and I heard it's also great for your hair." Minnie suggested, while Yuqi started to thieve all of the free stuff, swiping it into her drawstring bag.

Minnie sat on the bed, while Yuqi took it upon herself to explore.

The timing could not be more perfect. Minnie and Yuqi would be attached at the hip all night, since their fathers would be talking to possible investors, which left the two of them to charm the kids of the parents.

It was also a huge deal to Minnie that they would be sharing a room, a room that only had one bed.

"I'm gonna be sleeping next to a goddess. Oh my god." Minnie internally panicked, still hearing Yuqi gasp from the multiple assortments of chocolate strawberries.

Snapping out of her daze, Minnie checked her phone, sighing when she checked the time.

"Yuqi, the event is gonna start in 10 minutes. Get your shoes back on!" Minnie called into the bathroom, while Yuqi chuckled, coming out with chocolate stains all over her lips.

"Do you have a napkin or something? Or should I just show up like this? That would be a real show stopper!" Yuqi laughed, while Minnie grinned.

Grabbing a tissue and her lipstick from her bag, she pulled Yuqi towards the bed to sit in front of her.

"What are you doing?" Yuqi asked, while Minnie shushed her.

"Fixing this." Minnie answered.

Minnie grabbed Yuqi's chin lightly, holding it in place with her left hand, while her right hand focused on wiping the chocolate off of Yuqi's lips.

Yuqi wasn't sure what came over her, but her desire for Minnie to kiss her was growing by the minute. She wondered whether Minnie could feel the tension too, or if she was just imagining things.

After Minnie wiped the chocolate all off, she reached into her bag for some of her lipstick, while Yuqi stilled, her chin still in Minnie's hand.

"Wait. That's her lipstick. That's an indirect kiss!" Yuqi flipped out internally, but kept her cool, as Minnie seemed focused on putting the lipstick on properly.

"There we go." Minnie finished, and she smiled.

Yuqi let out the breath she never knew she was holding, and snapped back to reality when Minnie offered her hand.

"Let's go?" Minnie asked sweetly, and Yuqi nodded, taking Minnie's hand into her own, and following the older girl out of the hotel room.

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