She realized that Brenda was scanning the back of Thomas' neck which confused her. Brenda looked over at Jorge with wide eyes after looking at the scanning device.

" You were right." she said while the men let go of Minho and Thomas and they stood back up. Jorge puts his glasses on and takes the device from her, wanting to see it.

" Right about what? What is she talking about?" Thomas asked.

Jorge let out a small laugh as he took his glasses off while he looked at Thomas. " I'm sorry, hermano. Looks like you're tagged. You came from WICKED."

Juliet furrowed her eyebrows with confusion, not knowing that WICKED did this. She doesn't remembering being told that anyone was being tagged. Her heart beat increased more, not having a good feeling about what was going to happen next.

" Which means..." Jorge continues to say. " you're very valuable."

She moved closer to Thomas and almost jumped when she felt Thomas intertwine his hand with hers as she noticed the men in the room surrounding them which made her more scared.


" I did not think this would happen." Juliet mumbled. She didn't think that they would be hung up by their feet above a very deep drop into what looked like nothing. She could already feel the blood rushing to her head.

" What did you think would happen?" Aris rolled his eyes. " Did you think they would've let us go?"

" No." Juliet shook her head. " I thought we would be in a cell or something."

" A cell would've been much better than this." Minho spoke up. " Also, good plan, Thomas. ' Just hear what the man has to say.' Really working out for us." he sarcastically said.

Thomas scoffs. " Oh, shut up, Minho."

Minho looked up. " Maybe I can reach the rope." he then tried to reach the rope and Juliet knew he wouldn't get it, it was impossible to get.

" Enjoying the view?" a voice asked and she frowned whenever she realized who it was. She was hung up between Thomas and Aris. She did her best to look over her shoulder since it was difficult, but once she succeeded she saw Jorge walk in.

" Oh yeah, the view's fantastic." she sarcastically said and he chuckled.

She then glared at him. " I'm guessing you want something?"

" My men want to sell you back to WICKED." Jorge tells them and he looks at Thomas. " Life has taught him to think small. I'm not like that. Something tells me you're not either."

" Is the blood rushing to my head or is this shank not making any sense?" Minho asked.

" Tell me what you know about the Right Arm." Jorge points at Thomas and Juliet looked over at Thomas, wondering what he was going to do. She glanced over at Newt when he spoke. " I thought you said they were ghosts."

She does remember Jorge saying that and now she was just even more confused than before. She looked over at Jorge, waiting for an answer.

" I happen to believe in ghosts." he says. " Especially when I hear them chattering on airwaves."

Juliet's eyes widened and her heart beat increased whenever Jorge walked over to the lever that controlled the rope that they were hooked to.

Jorge pointed at Thomas with his other hand that wasn't touching the lever. " You tell me what you know and maybe we can make a deal."

" We...we don't know much." Thomas stammers.

Everyone lets out a scream whenever Jorge moves the lever forward that makes everyone drops down a few inches. " Okay! Okay, all right!" Thomas exclaimed and Jorge stops the lever.

" They're hiding in the mountains." Thomas admits. " And they attacked WICKED. They got a bunch of kids. That's it. That's all we know."

Juliet bit her lower lip as she watched Jorge step forward and point at Thomas. He looked like he was about to say something, but one of his men walked in the room. " What's going on?" he asked whenever he saw the kids hanging upside down.

" Me and my new friends are just getting acquainted. We're done now." Jorge told him.

" Yeah," Juliet mumbled. " I'm pretty sure this isn't how friends get acquainted."

" Hey, wait. You're not gonna help us?" Thomas asked him.

" Don't worry, hermano. We'll get you back to where you belong." Jorge smiled before he left the room.

Juliet did not like the sound of that. She knew they had to get out of here before they were sent back to WICKED. Now Minho and Thomas were trying to push Teresa over to the edge so she could help them out since she was the closest one to the lever. Finally the third try worked and they cheered as Teresa grabbed a hold of the bar.

Everyone lets out a small scream whenever she moved the lever making them go down more, but that made her closer to the edge. Now she was on the edge and got to untie the rope around her feet.

Minutes past and they almost have everyone on the floor and untied whenever they see the light of a helicopter and hear Janson's voice over a speaker. Juliet was the last one to get out, grabbing on to Thomas' reached out hand. He pulled her over quickly until she was on the ground and then untied the rope.

" Okay, let's go." Thomas said as they stood up. " Let's go." he tells everyone and they go to rush out of the room, but stop when they hear the click of a gun and see the guy that walked in earlier was blocking their way.

Juliet raised her hands up in defense along with everyone else as she stood between Newt and Minho while the guy aimed his gun at them. " We're not trying to 'cause any trouble, okay? We just got to get out of here." Thomas tells the guy, but Juliet had a feeling he wouldn't let them pass by.

" Is that so?" the guy asked as he turned his walkie talkie on. " Janson, I got 'em for ya. I'm bringing them down."

He then looks at the group. " Come on, let's go."

When no one responded he stepped forward to the group, but Thomas moved forward and grabbed the gun, trying to get it away from the guy. It didn't work and just made the guy angry. The group backed up as the guy started to walk towards them, ready to shoot at them.

Juliet's eyes widened and she jumped when she heard the sound of a gunshot, but was surprised when the guy fell to the ground and she noticed Brenda was standing behind him with a gun.

" Okay, come on." Brenda said, gesturing for them to follow her as she was already starting to leave the room.

The group was hesitant to follow and she rolled her eyes. " Come on, let's go!"

A/N so sorry for the long update, but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! also don't forget to check some of my other books!

DREAM IN ME! thomasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora