Happy Birthday Lucifer

Start from the beginning

Belphie: ^^^^

Simeon: Should we send someone to distract him?

MC: Asmo and I can do it

Asmo: Spa day?

MC: Spa day!

Beel: Can you actually get him to go?

MC: We'll make him feel guilty by saying Diavolo's already paid for it.

Diavolo: I can pay anyway if you'd like?

Asmo: We aren't stopping you rich boy

Barbatos: We have a small problem.

Barbatos: Luke and I finished Lucifer's cake together, however, when we stepped out for a moment to find piping bags, someone knocked it onto the floor.

Beelzebub: I put all of my effort into not eating that cake for this?

Belphie: Oh lmao Mammon did it, I saw it happen.

Mammon: lies and slander. expect to hear from my lawyer

MC: Hi I'm his lawyer

MC: He's probably guilty

Mammon: youre fired

Mammon: anyway its not like its my fault i knocked it over

Mammon: levi took something from me and I was chasing him to get it back

Levi: You took my TSL record so that you could pass it off as Lucifer's gift!

Mammon: um yeah? so quit being stingy. its the man's birthday

Levi: Im gonna strangle you with those kmart quality sunglasses you cretin

Simeon: I don't think this is the best time to do that.

Solomon: I disagree. Lucifer would probably appreciate it more than any gift.

Diavolo: Is it possible to remake the cake in time?

Barbatos: Depends on if Asmodeus and MC can distract Lucifer for a little while longer. We'll need another hour.

Asmo: What's the plan MC?

MC: Remember when you mentioned that makeup artist friend who owed you a favor?


Beel: Has anyone seen Belphie?

Satan: He's taking a nap in a bush.

Satan: snore.jpg

Mammon: seriously?!

Mammon: Diavolo has the rest of us workin our asses off decorating, what the hell have you two been doing this whole time???

Satan: Oh well he knew we'd be most likely to sabotage the event, so he sent us out to buy some stuff.

Satan: We finished about 20 minutes ago, but we're still banned from the venue until Lucifer shows up.

Solomon: What'd you buy?

Satan: Fireworks, sparklers, glowsticks, etc.

Diavolo: I custom ordered those fireworks for a grand finale. :D

MC: If this doesn't make Lucifer acknowledge he's a sugar baby then idk what will

Belphie: It is 10:00 pm

Belphie: Why have I woken up stained in dirt in the middle of town while fireworks spelling "I 💓 Lucifer" are going off?

MC: Oh my fucking god

MC: @Satan Dude

Satan: Hm?

MC: When we asked you where Belphie was when you walked in, and you told us he was asleep bc running errands tired him out,


Satan: LMAO 

Belphie: Dickhead

Belphie: I'm walking to Diavolo's place rn, what'd I miss?

MC: Remember how we went to that makeup artist friend?

MC: We got her to do full bridal makeup on Lucifer.

MC: And I swear to God, Diavolo started dry wheezing when they finally saw each other.

Asmo: Don't act like the rest of us didn't cry when we saw him MC

Asmo: No lie he looks like he was carved out of marble

Belphie: As much as I'd love to hear more about Lucifer's ugly mug,

Belphie: Did we pull off the surprise?

Asmo: MC was suspicious as fuck the entire time bc they literally could not stop beaming, but Lucifer mostly ignored it since I told him they were just happy at a text Mammon sent them

MC: He believed that??? Lol I didn't know he'd could be so easy to fool

Asmo: Yeah, he's the fool...

Asmo: Anyway, Barbatos was right when he said Lucifer forgot about his birthday. We caught him completely off guard

MC: He was grinning ear to ear once he realized tho :D

MC: Mammon bought him a little bell that said "Ring for significant other's attention" and they were laughing over it

MC: It was the cutest shit I've ever seen

Belphie: Did he like my gift?

MC: Were you the one who got him the roomba????

Belphie: Yeah

MC: He loved it

Belphie: Lol

Belphie: I'm outside open the gate

Lucifer's Fight Club

MC: Not to be That Bitch but I'm gonna die mad about the fact Levi kicked my ass in twister

Levi: Get wrecked normie

MC: You have the flexibility of uncooked spaghetti too I'm so distraught

Asmo: I can't believe Belphie won

Satan: He did take ballet classes.

Asmo: Oh shit I forgot about that

MC: Ballet? Why?

Belphie: When I was younger, my back was fucked up bc of my poor posture and my parents decided that ballet would fix it.

Beel: You and I both know that's not the full truth

Belphie: Don't you dare

Beel: He was a huge fan of Barbie in the Nutcracker for like 6 months and he begged our parents to let him dance

Beel: The posture thing was a bonus

Belphie: I'm gonna set your minifridge on fire.

FatherLucifer: I can't leave you lot alone for one second.

MC: Luuuucifer

MC: How'd you like your party

FatherLucifer: It was my favorite birthday yet.

FatherLucifer: Thank you again, everyone.

Asmo: I'm still shook over those fireworks

Asmo: How the fuck did Diavolo manage to find a place that could customize your face into the sky

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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