200 Monster Energy Drinks

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Ch 4

not like other girls

MC: Yo

MC: let's go to the arcade tonight lads

Mammon: you paying?

MC: aight then its just me and you Beel

MC: we can get pizza from that family place you like after

Beel: im in

Mammon: OI!!1! Who said i wasnt coming huh???

Levi: and me?

MC: werent you binging I'm a Fanfiction Writer Who Ended Up in her Own Alternate Universe and Now Has to Seduce My Way Outta Here?

Levi: finished it.

MC: sweet

MC: meet up at the gazebo at 6


Lucifer & His Petshop

MC: whats poppin guys

Assmo: this ass

MC: it flat tho

Assmo: I'm gonna thrust my bussy into you so hard that you get sent out of orbit

Father Lucifer: I want to take away your right to free speech.


SAT: I bought a Wicca spellbook the other day.

SAT: @everyone Help me put a curse on Mammon.

Muck: why me????

Muck: tf is this name?????

SAT: You killed my plant.

Muck: its just a stupid plant

SAT: Belinda deserved life more than you do.

MC: Its true tho, Belinda grew some good ass tomatoes

Beel: I cant believe you went and killed Belinda

Muck: you just wanted to steal the tomatoes shut up beel

Muck: why am i always bullied

Father Lucifer: As the kids say, "you suck."

MC: oof its tru

Belphie: ^^

SAT: ^^

Beel: ^^

ASSmo: ^^^^

Lev: ^^^

DM: MC & Barbatos

MC: Me, beel, levi, and mammon are going to the arcade tonight

MC: wanna join us?

Barbatos: I will decline, but thank you

MC: I figured you'd say that

MC: I've got hot tea to spill on Diavolo and Lucifer

Barbatos: What time are we meeting up?

Lucifer & His Petshop

Mammy: i just woke up

Mammy: last night feels surreal

MC: my back hurts

Beel: I cant choose between going back to bed or eating

Beel: this is a cruel fate

Levy: i need a 2 day nap

ASSmo: wtf happened

MC: Barbatos.

Father Lucifer: Excuse me?

MC: Mammon its your turn to tell Luc about our poor decisions

Mammy: kecnkcklq

Mammy: so

Mammy: us 4 plus barbatos went to hang out at the arcade

Mammy: ngl i was shocked to see him outta uniform

Mammy: and the night started off normal, but then

Mammy: Levi and Barbatos started getting hella competitive over who could score more tickets

Mammy: and ofc that made the rest of us get competitive

Mammy: Barbatos destroyed us all and won a giant bear for Diavolo.

Mammy: but we werent having that shit

Mammy: so we had a pizza eating comp

Mammy: Beel and Barbatos fucking tied bc the place ran out pizzas like tf

Mammy: we get kicked out and wander around when a guy in a white truck starts beckoning us

Mammy: so we went over to him lol

MC: not my proudest idea

Mammy: the dude is like

Mammy: "im selling a pack of 200 Monsters for 50 bucks"

Mammy: "you kids want?"

Mammy: we all gave each other a look before buying that man OUT

Mammy: and then

Father Lucifer: Please do not tell me you had a competition to see who could drink the most Monster.

Mammy: truth hurts father

Father Lucifer: Sigh.

Levy: I felt that disapointment.

Mammy: so i dont actually know who won that bc at some point we were so buzzed on caffiene that there were no winners

Mammy: only destruction

Mammy: Beel ripped a stop sign out of the concrete, it was amazing

Mammy: Barbatos and MC teamed up to egg Luke's house bc he always snitching

Mammy: turns out barbatos has a grudge against him for telling diavolo he once messed up on a pastry puff

Mammy: anyway yeah wild night, 12/10 would do again

Mammy: we're forcing Barbatos into our group

MC: yeah we are

Levy: hes alright, for a normie

Beel: I have to beat him in a food eating competition

Mammy: Lucifer i know youre gonna kill us but i havent slept off this crash so ill deal with that later

Mammy: night

MC: same, night

Father Lucifer: When will you fucks ever learn? The world may never know.

Satan: Invite me next time too; bunch of fake ass friends, I swear

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